Mesa Boogie tc50...7 string action ??

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Big Rich
Big Rich
Active member
Sup dudes. Havent seen a clip on YouTube with heavy rythms on a 7 string through the triple crown. Playing some sloppy stuff through the red channel on tight mode. Going into the diezel rear load 212 v30 cab. No boosts. Playing my ESP SRC Tele baritone with emg 81-7s. Let me know what you think.

sweet! where'd you get that case holding that silver beauty in the background?
Thanks for posting, sounds mean, definitely want. I’ve been looking at these for a while, every time I start to pull the trigger on one, I think I don’t really need another amp and there are other things I need worse. Just waiting until the used market comes down a little bit more hopefully.
I think your c+ video recorded here eats it for breakfast. This c+ vid along with your TJ are some of my favourite vids of yours :rock:

Thanks dude. Yea the c+ is probably my favorite amp that i own. Posted the tc50 with a 7 string just because I couldn’t find a vid with that pair. I actually didnt touch that 7 for months and was adjusting to the neck and spacing. My hands were pretty sloppy because it felt a little awkward. The tc50 is beastly though, its not really a low end monster but it has a mean growl feels awesome and is tight. Definitely fun to play through and it deff complements extended range guitars pretty well. Ive been playing it alot lately.

I had the c+ out in the living room a/b’d with the tc50 through the ported cabs and it did shit all over it. Way bigger sounding amp with more lows and aggression. The mark series are probably my favorite amps ever. I don’t really miss the tj, only Bogner I wish I could get back was my cosma shiva combo. Sick amp.

That cabinet with the santana is actually a bookcase for my wall unit that i took the shelves out of haha
Seems the TC50 is harder to record than the others. Doesn't surprise me the C+ shits all over it in person as well :lol: :LOL: I was hoping you still had that thing and hadn't sold it before commenting. I don't remember you posting a lot about the shiva?
Yea i still have it. I will never sell my drg, Thats a grail amp for me. Took me a long time to get my hands on one. Everytime i play that, a recto or my vht i feel most inspired and start chucking out riffs. Everything else can go but leave me the c+ and a recto and ill be happy.

The shiva i had sounded really nice. Picked it up locally off Craigslist at the time. After buying it I noticed that it was a cosma model (first 100 made or something like that) but didnt think anything of it at the time. I didn’t really know much about those amps back than. Sold it to some guy locally to raise cash for a blue rev uber. Dumb move that I now regret. Ive been wanting more marshall like tones lately and that amp just ripped. I keep looking for another one but will never find one for what im willing to pay.

It didn't do well with anything below e flat. But it was a very rich open sounding amp with tons of character. Had alot of balls for an amp people buy to not play metal on haha. I really miss it.

God damn son, I don't know what to say. Sorry man. Sucks you sold that one to get an uber rev blue - no contest that shiva sounds all kinds of badass :rock:

Not knocking the uber's because everyone's tastes are different, but Jesus man, that shiva is just straight nasty. Is this before or after you retubed it with your special concoctions?

No wonder you're itching to get another one :lol: :LOL:
Yea it was a great amp. Im an idiot lol.

I remember the shiva came with all jjs in the preamp and had jj 34s. I was never a fan of jjs in the preamp just because I feel they make the amps dark and wind up feeling like mush to me. The only amp those tubes worked out for me was the cobra. The highs in that amp were very harsh to me and the jjs really helped make that amp a little smoother. Sold the cobra off a while ago though.

Every amp i get i need to throw a gold pin tung sol in v1. Than i forget exactly what else was in there but it had to be a mix of regular tung sols and sovtek. I think i had a Phillips in there too. That amp didn’t really need much to make it sound like that. Ive played the older shivas with the green chasis and they dont get down like that one did. They have more of a loose low end and not as nice of a boost. Theyre still good amps just not as edgy as the cosma was.
Hard to know what gear we're going to miss until it's already gone.

I sold a wolfgang I had years ago and kicking myself in the ass still today. Trying to find another that hasn't been absolutely abused is finding to be damn near impossible. Prices have also skyrocketed on them for some reason - I could have sold mine today and made $400 profit for what I bought it for over a decade ago if I still had it.

Burns me to no end. So here I am still looking for one :lol: :LOL:

I hear some c+ influence in the shiva revision your playing. They sound similar, or you have them voiced similar I guess I should say. That's a diamond in the rough for sure. Hopefully you can get yours back or at least get info from bogner himself on some serial number ranges to look out for on the DL.