Mesa Electradyne vs Bogner Shiva


New member
Been wanting an Electradyne for like 2 or 3 years. I currently use a Fender DRRi for everything. The cleans are awesome, but I want something with more headroom and with a nice British overdrive channel. I love my DRRI, but all my dirt pedals kinda sound the same. I need a stellar Fender clean, a low gain British crunch, and a snarling high gain Marshall-ish channel 3. I've been gassing for an Electradyne, but the Shiva has now caught my attention. What do you guys think? I want 50-100 watts
Also, if you could introduce me some other amps with a Fender clean /Marshall crunch, 2 or 3 channels.
I use a Shiva 20th anniversary, and though its only 2 channels, it also has a great boost option.
Another amp that does what youre looking for might be the CAA PT100.
both are awesome

it depends what you are really after but if you want to compare a mesa to the shiva check out the stilletto. its pretty similar and the ace models could be found for around 800ish now

i had a shiva el34 and i loved it. great clean channel and the gain channel was amazing. very warm and responsive. without the boost engaged it had a really nice crunch to it
Thanks guys, I'll check out some vids on the Event Horizon. Yeah the PT-100 is awesome, although I've never played one myself. I'm a Pete Thorn fan, I watch all his YouTube videos, so I've seen a little bit of that amp. It seems like it'd be a perfect fit for me. If I can find a used one I'll snag it, otherwise it's a bit over my budget for the moment.
Hey thanks man! $3100 is a bit out there for me, plus I live on the other side of the country. I'd like to stay around $1500. I don't have much $ to invest in an amp at the moment, but my amp gas hasn't realized that yet!
Riveras don't get a lot of love around here, but they will do what you want in spades. Pretty much all of their models have an awesome fender type clean channel and their overdrives are often referred to as having a marshall character, I think its more individual than a marshall or any of the clones out there though. A fandango would be most up your alley I'd think.
Heres a pretty good demo of one, he doesnt do the overdrive sounds though :(
I don't have any experience with the Bogner Shiva. The electradyne is an awesome amp though. Great clean channel. Best pedal taking amp I've ever owned. Just my quick .02.
You can get Electra Dynes for $800-$900 used. If you boost one with a good OD pedal like a BB Preamp it will hang with amps that cost 3k. They are pretty loud amps with a lot of punch and bottom end. When you crank them up they fucking roar. I had a Bogner SHiva 20th and still have an Electra Dyne.
Thanks for all your input guys. I've wanted an Electradyne for a long time and have been set on getting one, I just wanted to see if there was something else out there that I didn't know about. I think this pretty much confirms that the Electradyne is the amp for me. I found an Electradyne head at Guitar Center the other day for $750, but I missed it. They sold it before I got up there the next day after work :( I think a Fender Twin with a Bogner Ecstacy Blue is a good idea. It's just that I've always played Fender amps with dirt pedals, and I'm wanting a bit of a change. I'm wanting to get my overdrive from real tubes instead of a pedal. I know there are some awesome pedals out there nowadays that rival some great amps, I just want to give a channel switching amp a shot and see what happens. I get some great tones with my DRRI and my Fulltone pedals and I want to keep this rig for practice / rehearsals.
I used a Bogner Red pedal into an EL34 Shiva's clean channel and I honestly liked the Pedal dirt more than I did the gain channel of the Shiva. The Shiva is a fantastic amp, but the drive can be a tad loose. The Shiva honestly reminded me allot of the original Carvin Legacy.
I've owned the Shiva 20th, Electradyne, and PWE Event Horizon. I loved the Shiva and PWE, and didn't love the ED.

The ED has a good clean, but the dirty tones are limited. Definitely tight and focused, but most of my dirt pedals all sounded the same through it.

On the other hand, the Shiva takes pedals really well. It's a great amp. But I liked the PWE best of all.
I've watched a lot of videos on the PWE today and it's a great sounding amp from what I can tell. I'll probably pull the trigger on any one of these amps, which ever I come across first with a good deal. The PWE really has me intrigued.
I've been looking at used/older Shiva's as well lately, they seem pretty cool for soloing when using a boost. I kinda like this one, sounds really thick. Of course the brilliant playing doesn't hurt...

I wonder though, wouldn't the MESA Royal Atlantic be another nice option? They can be snapped up for around 1k as well. Heard great things about those, supposedly very similar to the ED and I've read they sound pretty great at lower volume, a nice plus.
also check out Budda amps, I had an SD45, miss that amp! great dual channel amp and LOUD as hell. louder than a lot of 100w amps I've had.