Modded Carlsbro ver 3.5


New member
"Ol' Grey Mare, she ain't what she used to be." :LOL: :LOL:

Have had a love/hate relationship with this one. Almost loved the original Cameron mod completely (ver. 1) After initially hiring the repair shop to beef out the EQ section and replace the filter caps, they called me up and said they fixed it. By "fix," they meant removing the "broken" Cameron mod. I was upset that I wasn't told before it happened, but I was sorta happy with the tone (ver 2). Then I went to play it a few weeks after the fact, and the amp was mad at me. High frequency uncontrolled whining angry. Angrily brought it back to the shop. At this point, the cameron mystique was gone, so I just let em go at it. They put their head guy on it, and I got a call to pick it up. Different beast with KT77s. Got it home, plugged in and was immediately on the phone. Amp was fizzy as shit, and was losing all power on fast chord changes. That I called ver. 3, but didn't even bother making any clips. It was McBad. Put it back on the bench, and they went to town again.

Anyways, got the call again, and played it at the shop today before bringing it home to make sure it was kicking. The shop ran through V30s, and I really dug that...might have to hunt for some! Here I'm running through the g12h30s. They still need a bit of breaking in, but I like it, so I figured I'll share it with ya! Very unforgiving, so my playing sounds like poop. No effects on this clip, and for what it's worth, it put up 121 watts on the bench. :scared: I edited the video to eliminate most of the clipping parts (the clean samples really took it over the top!). Random pops are likely the mic clipping out tho...I gotta stop being lazy and actually break out a 57 or two.

Sounded WAY better with the Cameron mod IMO. I never should have sold that amp! I can't imagine why anyone would have changed a thing about that amp? The low-end was a tad loose without a TS9 (or other) in front of it, but that's just the nature of the Partridge transformers... GEEZ!!!

1980's = I think I'll route-out the body of my 1968 Les Paul Custom, and throw on a "whammy bar"! :doh: