Most overrated amp ever... pick 1!

I love SLOs

Probably Friedman BE series. They are so expensive, and well loved, but to me they don't sound anywhere near as special as the other amps in that sort of pricepoint. I do think the dirty shirley sounds fantastic though, and i've heard good clips of the Naked and Butterslax.

Other amps that cost that much always have a "wow" factor I have never gotten plugging into one. Lots of people love them, but I just don't get it. I can definitely dial in a smooth, refined, "modern youtube demo" Pete Thorn tone out of one, which is, I guess, the appeal. But especially for rhythm stuff it just sounds way too polite and neutered for my tastes - and ESPECIALLY for that kind of dough.
Madison Divinity and 95% of bias mod/choke mod block letter 5150s back in the day
Madison Prophecy was a legit badass SS amp. The Divinity was a JCM2000 clone that was shit and doomed the company. Man they should have pushed the Prophecy way more. It kicks ass like the old SS Randalls.
I love SLOs

Probably Friedman BE series. They are so expensive, and well loved, but to me they don't sound anywhere near as special as the other amps in that sort of pricepoint. I do think the dirty shirley sounds fantastic though, and i've heard good clips of the Naked and Butterslax.

Other amps that cost that much always have a "wow" factor I have never gotten plugging into one. Lots of people love them, but I just don't get it. I can definitely dial in a smooth, refined, "modern youtube demo" Pete Thorn tone out of one, which is, I guess, the appeal. But especially for rhythm stuff it just sounds way too polite and neutered for my tastes - and ESPECIALLY for that kind of dough.

Friedman neuters the Marshall midrange to make his amps easier to play. Great sounding amps but have zero Marshall Kerrang..
Friedman neuters the Marshall midrange to make his amps easier to play. Great sounding amps but have zero Marshall Kerrang..

That might be the source of my distaste for them - I'm not a big fan of "easy to play" type high gain amps, and that price though

I've ABed a BE100 (granted, not the new deluxe version) my friend used to own with some really, really heavy hitters that have passed through my hands, and it sounded like a toy compared to them :dunno:

I can see the appeal though, honestly, especially for lead focused players who want something forgiving and easy to get sounding youtube video ready.