New Rintrah Record - Lots of VH4


New member
Hello all, been a little bit since Ive posted here..............especially since the VH4 is pretty much built like a tank so I have no technical problems, but I just dropped by to post our new record. Full stream can be found here:

The record has a very wide range of styles and a good many tones. Its a mix of Les Paul Custom '58 through the VH4 and a Hughes and Kettner. All leads are VH4 through a wide range off effects. All cleans are VH4. Especially like the CH1 cleans on "Masters of Our Fate". Anyway, there's too much going on in the record to go through it all here, but I'd be glad to answer any questions about any effects, instruments, or recording gear used.
Nice stuff mate! Congrats! Cool riffage, ideas and mix of styles. :rock: Me likes! :thumbsup:

Does your 58 have the stock pickups?
Thanks man, I appreciate it!

As to the 58, lets see, I think I replaced virtually everything in the 58. Its got RS Guitarworks innards....Duncan Custom (SH-5) in the bridge and I believe its got a Wolfetone something or other in the neck. Finally its got Kluson tuners on it. The stock tuners blew hard imo.