Packed up and ready to go!


Well-known member
Gig tonight!

Monrovia, Pour House 9pm to midnight!


Good luck. Push tips man make some of that sweet moolah tonight and get home in one piece. Rain is cancelling all mine this weekend. Best!
She must be a really good singer! Dang that’s a list most singers couldn’t pull off.

She also sings in a No Doubt/Gwen Stefani tribute band called "Not No Doubt". She is great at working the crowd.... she is so easy to work with. No lead singer disease at all. Makes rehearsals and gigs so fun...

The bass player sings the foo tune, the keyboardist sings the lead on Rock Lobster, I was supposed to sing "Panic Switch" but wasn't quite ready, so she did it even though it was a bit low for her... but she belted it out really well and convincingly... I sang backups on it...
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