Phil Collen Doesn't belong at G3

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the rossness
the rossness
Well-known member
So I saw G3 the other night. I got there a little late and just saw Phil Collen finishing up (that might have been a good thing). Next was Petrucci. I can't say I'm a fan of JP but he is a monster player. Great tone too. Great note seperation but his playing didn't really move me. His tremolo picking though- he's got skill. I can't play like that. He had the best tone of the bunch. Next came out Satch and he did what he does best. And that chrome guitar of his is WAY cool! At one point he was doing a guitar duel with his guitarist/ keyboardist Mike Keneally and this guy was on fire. Great chops and could totally hold his own against Joe.

Then came the G3 Jam. Look, I've owned 2 Jackson PC1's I like Def Leppard, but it was painful to see Phil Collen up their with such high-level guitarists. He just couldn't hang. Every time it was his turn to play it sounded like buzzing mosquitoes and he seemed to play the same riff over and over. I would have rather heard the guitarist from Satch's band. JP was good, Satch is Satch and besides him, I enjoyed the show. Phil Collen was a bad choice for this tour. He might be a nice guy (I don't know) but nowhere near the callibur of player that Satch, JP or Mike Keneally are.

Has anyone else made it out to this tour? What did you think?
Every rig rundown I've seen with Phil he tries to shred and it just awful! Guy is good for what he does in DL, but he is out of his league with JP, unless maybe he's giving lessons to Phil while they are traveling...
Agreed. Ever since hearing this incarnation of G3 announced I've thought that Phil wouldn't fit. I mean, if you wanted to bring in another flavor of guitarist that would bring a different sound, vibe, and way of playing that could totally hang with that crowd why not Slash?
lol. I’ve been saying this for years. He should hang up the guitar and become a personal trainer.
I'm going tomorrow night, i really could care less if i see Phil play. I've always been a Petrucci fan.
I agree (was at the Oakdale, right behind the soundboard)- from his opening notes, he was trying to shred.. and it sounded like... someone TRYING to shred. It wasn't smooth at all. No slight to him - I think he has huge brass ones to be up there trading licks with those 2 guys.. and hey - let's face it - he was invited to play, and we weren't so... he must be doing something right lol.

I thought on his own, his tone was surprisingly good. But when he came out for the jam, his tone was buzzy & shrill when compared to the other 2. Keneally was a beast as well, and all 3 bassists were solid. Larue and Mangini were an insane rhythm section.

JP had the biggest and "cleanest" sounding dirty tone, but I think Satch played slightly more saturated of a tone (no pun intended) and it made his playing sound/feel slightly cleaner or smoother.

The crew had it all dialed in - sound, lights, videos and follow spot work were all stellar.
Mike Kenneally is a beast. Yet another Zappa veteran.
I enjoyed all 3. I liked Phil Collen's guitar tone and vocals were pretty good too.
Like i expected, i was not impressed by Phil, he was out of his league. John and Joe on the other hand just killed it. Amazing show by both of them.
Loudness250":1hjzwvew said:
I would rather see Steve Clarke to be quite honest.RIP

Def Leppard lost their mojo when he died. Actually, I’d say they really started losing their mojo when the Clarke/Willis team dissolved.
Mr. Willy":1qc945kh said:
Def Leppard lost their mojo when he died. Actually, I’d say they really started losing their mojo when the Clarke/Willis team dissolved.

When I first saw that he was going to be on G3 I knew it was a bad idea (I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but kind of knew it would turn out how it has). He's talented in other ways (song writing, etc) - not a shredder but has sold more units than probably all other G3 participants combined. Funny how the music "business" works. Back in the day I would have given anything to have 1/100th of the success of Phil Collen and DL but there are many other players I would have put on G3 before him.