"Put Out Those Lights": Quad tracked Axe FXIII Engl and Recto models layered with actual Engl Savage 120


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For this tone test, I quad tracked the Axe FX, using an ESP Ltd JH-600EC into an Engl Savage model, and then an ESP RZK-II into a Rectifier model.

I then layered an actual Engl Savage MKI amp into an Emperor 4x12, which was recorded using a Sennheiser E906 and a Townsend Labs L22.

Bass was a Warwick Vampyre SN-5 into a Darkglass Microtubes 900 MKI.

This is a mechanevil original called "Put Out Those Lights".

I didn't add vocals cause I got to leave something to the imagination before my album comes out!

Last clip of the weekend, sorry guys. Got to keep busy and feedback is good!