Signal dropout when channel switching on Herbert

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New member

I am new to the forum and my question may already have an answer somewhere so please redirect me to it if that is the case.

I bought a Herbert a couple of months ago, needless to say that I already like it as much as I do my Fryette Pittbull Ultralead. However, I am experiencing something that is a bit annoying for me. When I switch channels on the Herbert there is signal dropout which is quite audible. The only way to mask it, and one has to be very precise with that exercise, is to hit the button on my MIDI controller at exactly the same moment I hit the strings. And that only does the job halfway because you can still tell you have changed channels. If you miss even for a split sec it gives the impression that you have stopped/cut the signal. Particularly bad when for example I have a preset with a delay on the loop and I have to go to a preset with the loop disengaged.

First I thought it was my MIDI foot controller, that is RJM Mastermind, but then I tried switching channels manually using the channel switches on the amp's front panel and it does the same thing.

Is anybody having the same experience?
Is this internal for the design of the Herbert or am I doing anything wrong?

I believe Peter Diezel would best know what seems to be causing this?

Thank you
Do you have a FX-unit in the loop? I had this problem when I switched between presets with different volumes...
Please send an email to:

peterdiezel (at) diezelamplification (dot) com
"When I switch channels on the Herbert there is signal dropout which is quite audible."
Not wishing to be a thread hijacker, but being new to the Schmidt(while I wait for my mkII Herbert's birth), I have the same observation. A major beat of silence while channel switching or loop switching. Any other Schmidt owners find this is normal?
Thanks(sorry for the piggyback)
To avoid switching noise we have a mute time
on the controller units for 20 milliseconds. We use
relays in the circuit because I have no trust
in optocouplers.
On the first Schmidt´s we used a longer mute time.
If You want a faster switching You can replace
the controller chip.
Therefor I was asking for an email to get the
customers serial number on the amp and the

Peter Diezel":1f6aupi3 said:
To avoid switching noise we have a mute time
on the controller units for 20 milliseconds. We use
relays in the circuit because I have no trust
in optocouplers.
On the first Schmidt´s we used a longer mute time.
If You want a faster switching You can replace
the controller chip.
Therefor I was asking for an email to get the
customers serial number on the amp and the


This is service like no other........ :rock: :rock: :rock:
This is service like no other........ :rock: :rock: :rock:[/quote]

I've been on this forum a few months now and I am still in awe at the quality of service and caliber of people involved with this enterprise.
Wow! How did we get so lucky?!
Thanks Peter!
Peter Diezel":10eom4ge said:
Please send an email to:

peterdiezel (at) diezelamplification (dot) com

Thank you, Peter. :)

I have just emailed you with details.
Hartmut":31q1y7h9 said:
Do you have a FX-unit in the loop? I had this problem when I switched between presets with different volumes...

Forgot to answer this. :)

Yes, I do have a couple of delay pedals hooked to the loop, one analog and one digital. I never run them together though. There isn't a difference in volume b/n a preset w/ loop engaged and one without the loop. It is more of a "mute time" heard as Peter put it.

Thank you
Peter Diezel":9cn5l2lq said:
To avoid switching noise we have a mute time
on the controller units for 20 milliseconds. We use
relays in the circuit because I have no trust
in optocouplers.
On the first Schmidt´s we used a longer mute time.
If You want a faster switching You can replace
the controller chip.
Therefor I was asking for an email to get the
customers serial number on the amp and the


I would like to wake up the discussion a little. I think the 20 millis are simply too much. Peter I was at yours some time ago and you gave controllers programmed on 20 ms, 15 ms and even only 10 ms, or you said it is always 5 + 20, 5 + 15, 5 + 10 ms. It is really an amazing customer support (you have even changed one preamp tube, all for free), I must thank you once more. But even with the shortest time I find the delay problematic. 15 millisecond are still audible and I still have to switch 'in advance'. How is it solved by other amplifiers where the switching delay is a lot smaller and the delay is not audible (like mesa mark IV, vht 50 st, rivera R from what I have tried)?

I have another question, is the switching process the same when using the stereo jacks for external switching or could I lower the lag by using these?

Greetings to Hof :).
We lowered the switching time on the Schmidt.
On all other amps we have 10ms which is necessary
to avoid switching noise.