Stupid Observations By Idiots!

Parents inevitably call their kids 'little pieces of shit' behind their backs, so with that in mind, when I flush my #2 is that an abortion?
Maybe that's where the expression, "gonna drop the kids off at the pool" (for going to the can) came from.

Is that just an Aussie thing?
I'm sure people in warm US states say that, too. I could swear I've heard that line in lots of movies from the 80's/90's.

If cats can't be trained to stop being terrorists why don't we just send them to enemy countries?
Newfoundland English (aka Newf) is so fucked up that I've had francophone people from Quebec ask me to "speak English."

That's when you know something's up.
Orson Welles was a lowkey comedy genius

He trolled America on the radio with War of the Worlds,

And spent most of his career hammered AF selling frozen peas. His last role was as a planet-eating robot. Fucking legend.