Thoughts on 70's Dimarzio DP103 PAF pickup


New member

I have a 70's super distortion in the bridge position of my Gibson Les Paul Studio and I love it. Having toyed with a few neck pickups (BKP Mule (lovely clean but a bit too wooly for me under gain) , Gibson T Type (lovely and snappy, definitely a keeper...), Wolfetone Marshallhead A2+A5 versions) I've been thinking about trying a 70's Dimarzio PAF as I know its a tried and true classic combo and aesthetically would look good to boot!

Any thoughts/opinions on them? I understand they'd likely be unpotted like my Super Distortion so would be slightly different tonally from the 36th anniversary/other versions produced today. Are they nice and clear in the neck position, do they handle cleans and high gain well?

Thanks for any opinions.
