Uberschall TJ or Mark V? help


New member
I want my rhythm tone similar to Mark Tremonti's without actually using a Mesa Rectifier.
I also need a fluid singing lead channel and fairly decent cleans.

Which would you recommend?
IMO, these amps cover the opposite sides of the spectrum.

The Uber is a rhythm MACHINE! IT can also do good leads, but not without a redial IMO. The 'clean' channel, depending on your specific Uber, can either do a decent clean, or an alternate gain sound.

The Mark V, on the other hand, is VERSATILE, VERSATILE, VERSATILE. Amazing cleans, a great crunch/high gain channels, and am awesome lead channel. Important to note is that it is a Mesa Mark series after all, and it will be based on that tone.

The two amps also produce very different tones at their core.

Hey Eric, I love the Mark V's lead tone and clean channel, but the rhythm is too tight. I want something more Rectifier type, more low end/highs, organic.

Basically I want a rhythm and lead without having to redial.

Do you suggest I keep the Mark V?
Barney":es9u3e4b said:
I want my rhythm tone similar to Mark Tremonti's without actually using a Mesa Rectifier.
I also need a fluid singing lead channel and fairly decent cleans.

Which would you recommend?
Out of curiosity why do you not want a rectifier if you are looking for the Tremonti type tone? On a side note I believe he uses a mixture of Uberschall and a Triple rectifier, and for cleans i believe he uses a fender twin reverb. There is a video somewhere about his setup i saw one time that i am going by. Maybe you could use an OD for leads instead of having to redial the whole amp? Maybe?
Because I can't seem to get a good lead sound of out Rectifiers.

I just want 1 amp for live that can do it all, but with a rhythm tone similar to Rectifiers.

Clean, Rhythm and Lead
fair enough. i don't like the lead tone from rectifiers either personally...and here i thought i was the only one haha! never played an uber. good luck on your decision!
I wish there was a Marktifier amp

Lonestar cleans + Recto Channel 3 rhythm + Mark IV channel 3 lead
I dont think mark uses a tj but i did see photos of his rig with older ubers and i believe it was a rev blue.
Currently, Mark's setup consists of 4 amps

-Fender Twin for cleans
-Mesa Triple Rectifier along with a 6L6 modded Rev 2 Uberschall for Rhythm
-EL-34 'Purple modded' Rev Blue Uberschall for leads

I always got decent enough leads out a rectifier using a Tubescreamer as a boost....notice a say decent enough...it's still not Mesa Mark series territory.

IMO Barney, it really comes down to what is more important for you between rhythm and leads. If the Tremonti rhythm tone it your thing, get a Recto (I'd go Roadster, as it is the most versatile, and is a little smoother for leads), and boost for the compromised lead tone.

The Mark V is an AWESOME amp, and I love its rhythm tone, but it is definitely not a recto tone. It's very hard to find an amp that will do a true recto tone with good leads...what makes the Recto such a cool rhythm amp is exactly what makes it a poor lead amp IMO.
Barney":2688hrpl said:
... I love the Mark V's lead tone and clean channel, but the rhythm is too tight. I want something more Rectifier type, more low end/highs, organic.
here's something i would try. the Extreme mode on the Mk V Channel 3 sounds in my setup like Mark crossed with Rectifier, so see if you can dial in the rhythm tone you're looking for using that mode.

then use Channel 2 as your lead channel. Mk I mode with no graphic EQ sounds pretty fat in my setup. but if you're currently using Channel 3 as your lead, i would suggest using Crunch mode on Channel 2 and starting out with the same settings on it as you use for your lead sound when getting it on Channel 3. Crunch sounds a lot like the Mk IIC+ and Mk IV modes on Channel 3, just with less total gain and more bass, so i bet you could get it very close.
OK dudes! Gonna give it a shot again. Thank you so much for all the advice! I have a feeling that lead is more important to me, so I think the Mark V is on top.

Hey _actual time_, would you mind sharing your channel 3 extreme mode rhythm settings and EQ?
If the Mark V doesn't work-out for you, you might try a VHT Pittbull Ultra Lead or Fryette Sig:X. I dunno if this will do exactly what you are looking for, but I've had the Pittbull UL at my house for a week now and am just blown away by its versatility. It's sitting on top of a Bogner XTC Classic and that is a versatile amp. But it doesn't do metal like the VHT does. I'm sure other metal players with experience with the VHT amps can elaborate on this, as I'm still too new to the metal world to really know it all (I've been playing for 27 years, but for 25 of those I've been gigging country, classic rock, and classic 80s metal -- not newer metal).

But Alter Bridge is one of my favorite "new" bands (and Tremonti pretty much my favorite newer player) and I was playing this Pittbull along with the first AB CD the other day and was amazed at how well I was able to cop the tones on the title song (One Day Remains). Both rhythm and lead tones! I assign the EQ to the rhythm channel for the scooped metal tone, and leave the lead channel with the stock shared tone controls and am VERY happy with the results.
Hey _actual time_, would you mind sharing your channel 3 extreme mode rhythm settings and EQ?
ack--i hardly ever use Extreme, so i'm not sure that i have any great wisdom on that :confused: :LOL: :LOL:

but my general Channel 3 rhythm settings, that sound pretty good to me on all three modes, are:

Gain 3:30 o'clock to 2:30
Treble 2 o'clock to 1:30
Mids noon
Bass 8 o'clock
Presence 9-10 o'clock
Graphic EQ, with lowest slider pretty high but not all the way to the top, second lowest down a bit, middle slider dropped pretty deep but not all the way to the bottom, fourth slider above the mid line, fifth slider on the mid line.

with v30s in a Rectifier 2x12 or Bogner OS2x12. and caveat, i run bright preamp tubes and i like dark tones, so other folks may need to turn up the Presence or fifth slider from these settings to get enough snarl.

good luck! :rock:
Bigrich (I think?) went through both amps and posted good clips of each on the forum somewhere. I believe he started with the TJ, sold it, and ended up much happier with the Mark V. That's just one person's opinion of course. I'd definitely take the Mark for versatility, but for a huge and evil, wall of sound type of vibe, I'd go Uber.

FWIW, they would sound phenomenal together!