VH4 valve recomenadations (please see the links).........


New member
Hi guys,

I am about the re-tube my VH4 for the first time and so I am looking to get a quartet of El34's. I've been told that the stock tube is the El34 winged C and so I am just looking for advice on what exactly to purchase a I personally prefer the El34 sund and if the links below would be the correct one's to buy, as I am not a valve expert to be honest!!!!

I am also going to be biasing the amp. My friend is an electrician and has the tools, is it simply a matter of placing the end's of the multimeter at the necessary points of the amp (I have checked the Diezel website) and adjusting the bias trimmer accordingly???

Valve links (I am based in the U.K.) but i'm not too sure what the difference is, any help would be great!!!



Thanks! :rock:
the second link is for NOS valves - call dereck and he'll explain it to you - he's a good bloke .
i put some of the NOS C's in an einstein and they sounded amazing ....
I put production SED Winged Cs (not NOS) in mine and they sound very nice indeed. They really livened, and fattened, things up.

I shipped mine in from the US via ebay, cost me around 45 quid all together if I remember rightly! ;) Watford Valves are a very good supplier, though, I've used them before and are definitely worth talking to...

Thanks for the reply guys. I'm gonna collect my VH4 from the practice space tomorrow ready to bias and order the new tubes s when it's done I will maybe post my thoughts etc....!!! When biasing, do you need to connect the amp to a cabinet??? (I'm a bias virgin you see).

Thanks! :rock: