VHT Pittbull 50/st Head. Your thoughts/reviews.

There is one of these heads at a Guitar Center near me and thinking about trading my ESP Phoenix II for it. I am reluctant because I can't find alot of good info on these and have absolutely no VHT experience. It has el34, green tolex, class a or a/b switchable, NO graphic eq, but it does come with the footswitch.So my questions are:
- What is the going rate for one of these used? ( The one I am looking at is clean)
- What cabs/speakers have you used and your thoughts. (I played it threw a 5150 III, very nice)
- and any other bits of info about the head/company you think I should know. Anything info, good or bad, is appriciated :thumbsup: . Thanks.
The 50ST is my favorite VHT amp. It's not a UBER-metal amp. Will cover everything from nice cleans to heavy rock. Wish I had bought the one I drooled over years ago.