What do you want to see in the NEW CameronAmps.com website??

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Doubt it can happen but a "from the bench" style blog would be cool. You know, we're working on this idea today(or week), have so and so's amp on the bench trying to fix X issue with pics, or periodic live webcam, etc. And I don't mean Mark giving away prized secrets like soldering chili cheese fritos between caps for extra gain, just normal stuff if there is such a thing. ;) :)
NO FLASH. NO SPLASH PAGE. Those are the number 1 do-not-do's of web design.

Make it simple to use. Easy to navigate. Each model should have a breakdown of the features and how each model differs from each other.

If you need a badass designer, I know one. If you need a copywriter, I am one.
Like others have said, keep the site simple so navigation is easy.

I would also suggest a 10 minute or so video bio of who Mark is, his background and perhaps even throw in some short gratuitous wankage slots with Mark playing some of the amps so it's known he's also a heck of a guitar player.
Bob Savage":1vqjf9dd said:
Like others have said, keep the site simple so navigation is easy.

I would also suggest a 10 minute or so video bio of who Mark is, his background and perhaps even throw in some short gratuitous wankage slots with Mark playing some of the amps so it's known he's also a heck of a guitar player.


Knowing he is a great player somehow makes the brand seem more credible.
technomancer":2mrizgtm said:
I'd most like to see Cameron Amps content restricted to the Cameron Amps section and the cameronamps.com website and not plastered all over rig-talk...

Considering Brad owns this forum and everything he is doing to get the whole Cameron thing off the ground I think he can do whatever he wants and post it wherever he wants :D

I as well as several others think he is doing a Great job :thumbsup:
steve_k":1raye8q2 said:
A big fat discount.....

here too or the announcment of my endorsement with Cameron.

But seriously, this is what I like. Recordings.

I know you will have videos but what I mean is: how will this amp sound live? Now how will this amp sound with a million dollar mix? a big difference to me and idk I just like to hear those differences.

Im going to have to check out whats already there. to add anymore lol.

Basic stuff thats probably there. Dealers, Endorsees, Biography, faces of the company with a small profile for each maybe. makes it personable.
espquade":3nv5w7b4 said:
technomancer":3nv5w7b4 said:
I'd most like to see Cameron Amps content restricted to the Cameron Amps section and the cameronamps.com website and not plastered all over rig-talk...

Considering Brad owns this forum and everything he is doing to get the whole Cameron thing off the ground I think he can do whatever he wants and post it wherever he wants :D

I as well as several others think he is doing a Great job :thumbsup:
Hell yes!!!!!!! :rock:
erm.. Brad, site's not working from here. It goes to a godaddy page :thumbsdown:
Juggernaut":onbamhn1 said:
And please for the love of god, if you HAVE to have FX, do both dry and wet, so those of us who don't drench our tone in delay, reverb, etc... Get a good representation of the tone. ;)

yeah,what he said ;)
Brad, I had never heard of Cameron amps until joining your forum.After hearing all the talk I did what any true gear harlot would and started researching and listening to clips.To be honest I was completely floored that he was spoken of so highly on this forum after having taken advantage of so many peoples trust.
I understand that a group of folks that paid for amps before you were involved will now be receiving new CCV's thanks to your efforts.While this speaks volumes about your sense of fairness and your good character, it does not make me feel right about purchasing products that Mark Cameron will receive a portion of the profit from.
I have played a Cameron modded Plexi as well as the new CCV, and without a doubt Mark is one of the greats when it comes to Hotrod amps.I would like to see something on the site from Mark owning his bad choices, acknowledging that those choices hurt some of his fellow musicians, along with a hat in hand apology, with assurances that he will put an effort into compensating everyone that lost gear or $$$ dealing with him.
I sincerely hope that my post doesnt create a flame war because that is not my intention.I am just being honest about what I would like to see on the site.I hope that you take it into consideration because I really would like to purchase a new CCV, but as a matter of principle I wont, until the above concerns are addressed in some way.
I hear you and I understand the point and agree with most of it. :thumbsup: Actually buying an amp helps the guys out who are still waiting on their pre Brad ccvs. Mark doesn't get a portion until those are squared away, his share goes to the fund to pay for those amps. This is done with Marks full cooperation so he is making steps to resolve his past non delivery problems. Not a perfect solution but the best one available with the current situation.
voodooradio1":2xjoyht1 said:
I really would like to purchase a new CCV, but as a matter of principle I wont, until the above concerns are addressed in some way.

Mark's Ocean mod is the reason i even exist on this forum, RT was the main community linked forum to Cameron Amplifier's site back when Mark accepted orders from webmail. Sadly this was the same time when everything was hitting the ceiling and the pushing of the CCV and CCM all at the same time.

Replace your CCV comment with an Ocean modified SLP and i would be down to spend the cash, but sadly he is not doing custom modifications, i have no interest in dirty business practices or a CCV, and what is worse is that i have actually read the replies Mark wrote in the Cameron section before all of the heavy moderation. They are long gone now but it left a sour note in the way i see the Cameron line. There have been absolutely no efforts to apologize on his side, ever. Still havent been to this day.

I wish Brad the best and what he is doing to invest in getting the ball rolling speaks volumes, but it is not helping anything with open wounds. What made it even worse was when it came down to getting your comments deleted if you didnt have any skin in the game - someone like voodooradio or myself couldnt voice this opinion without heavy moderation.

Some manning up and common respect as you have done to us Brad, but coming directly from Mark, would be nice. I'd like to see that on the website front page for at least a year, maybe i wouldnt feel so sour against the entire line of amplifiers and the extra efforts. Since the chances of an ocean modified SLP getting in my possession are slim to none my comments really dont matter, but maybe the reply Mark writes could help sway others.
rupe":395faysj said:
Boobs...lots of boobs

and dont forget the booty... !

and as a side note, why did ya have to use GoDaddy? :thumbsdown: :doh:
It is good to learn that you are almost done building the last Cameron Amps website. Now that you have asked us for some tips, I would like to assert the fact on increasing the duration of one video to more than 10 minutes. An interactive style demonstration would also be nice as it could help the people understand more on the amps options.