What is the most accurate Klon clone?

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Speeddemon":14slce4d said:
I'd say credit where credit's due and if the world goes crazy after drinkin' the kool-aid, you can't blame the builder IMO.
The only thing I could blame Bill for would be if he didn't hype his product. IMO, that's expected behavior from anyone who builds, and sells, anything. It's great circuit and he deserves the credit for that. :thumbsup:
psychodave":1jiikgd6 said:
I’ve learned one thing over the years, just because I can’t hear something someone else is describing, doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s not just audible either...some things sound and “feel” better. :)
Very true... very, very true.
scottosan":2d5hb0dz said:
it's all about the signal level. Audio signals are in the form of AC. In a Jose the signal has to be of a certain threshold or level in order for the diodes to clip the signal. That why rolling the volume down on an Jose works so well. That's also why the master volume is where it is in the Jose and why the 1M resister paralelling thendiodes on the BE are where they are.

Now as far as pedal go it somewhat of a similar concept. Diodes are typically choses by forward voltage and type. Most silicon diodes have about a forward voltage of .7v and create what some classify as a hard knee in the clipping waveform. Most Germaniums on the otherhand cand be as low as .25v forward voltage and create a soft knee (smoother) waveform. Germaniums being older technology had larger tolerance whereas the silcon diodes are more consistent. Ultimately the placement and the forward voltage spec and type of the diodes have the largest clipping affect on the signal. The lower the forward voltage of diode, the more the signal is clippes. Because of this Germaniums typically clip more than silicon due to the forward voltage and people think Germaniums sound smoother because of the soft knee.

While some designs are more sensitive to diodes, the Klon is not one of them. Thays why some of the bigger modders stopped doing the soulfood mods, in which I the simply swapped to1n34 diodes. There was not a significant enough to keep doing the mod once people started doing a/b tests. 2 sets of Germaniums (2) 1n34 and 2 (d9e) matched to the same forward voltage will be indistinguishable. I've done this at on a switch and have people that couldn't even tell I was going back and forth between the 2. In this ciruit it's not even that sensative. At lower gain levels they barely come into play. At highest gain settings most of the clipping is from the opamps. At this point the forward voltage of the diodes has to be significantly higher before you start to here a noticeable difference. I'd say .50-.60v vs .30v. And even then it's just slightly more headroom
I was thinking along these lines, too. You explained it 1000x better than I could, though. Plus, you've got the knowledge and experience. Thank you for confirming what I'd been thinking. I definitely learned some things here. :rock:
psychodave":354jfput said:
Speeddemon":354jfput said:
paulyc":354jfput said:
Speeddemon":354jfput said:
What exactly was Bill doing in terms on hyping his circuit? I mean, the first time around.

He gooped the circuit, adding some mystery. And tons of folks, especially on TGP creamed their pants about the Klon's tone. How is Bill actively hyping that?

If you mean him hyping it nowadays, then I'm with ya. But there I'm of the position "if you're no longer building it yourself, and your originals suddenly fetch crazy money, you can't really blame the community coming up with alternatives, and you should you refrain from adding oil to the fire". Same with Boss no longer making the FA-1's. There's some magic in that circuit too (combined with specific components). I've built versions 1:1 like the original (greeny caps, carbon film resistors, etc.) as well as modern low-noise updates. Most of the tone sits in the op-amps in that circuit, so I typically would avoid versions that substitute those with DIL op-amps, like a TL072).

Look, I never played the real thing, but I know a thing or two about boost pedals. From what I can gather, he had some rather unique approaches circuit-wise and it wasn't a totally simple circuit, opposed a pedal from a certain person who's first name starts with the last letter of the alphabet, IIRC pretty much copied a RCA preamp circuit, names it 'related to a rigid state of a male's appendage', sells an inherent design-shortcoming as a feature not to be feared, and asks $250+ dollars for it. ;)

I'd say credit where credit's due and if the world goes crazy after drinkin' the kool-aid, you can't blame the builder IMO.
Every interview I s ever read from him he’s made mention of unibtanium parts and “it can’t be done anymore, the supply is gone” etc etc etc it that’s not hype then what is
But again, was he giving these interviews when he was actively selling these pedals, when he started out, or later on, when the originals were fetching 4 digit numbers and more and more Clones started to appear?
If the latter, then I agree with you, but at the same time, it's weird, because he wouldn't gain anything at that point himself. He would just increase the value of the units on the used market.

On a related note: claiming to hear the difference between different 1N34A's* -at least to me- falls in the same category as 'directional guitar cables' or 'Hey, this Energizer 9V sounds a lot crappier in my wah than a Varta." :lol: :LOL:

*=save for high tolerance-differences in the forward voltage drop (which would be audible in drive-circuits).

I could hear differences in 9 volt batteries...meaning carbon vs alkaline. Back in the late 80’s-early 90’s I had 9 volt mercury batteries that sounded awesome in all of my old MXR script pedals. Those batteries were used in hospital equipment. Too bad they were outlawed.
You're now talking different types of 9V batteries, I was talking about hearing which brand.

psychodave":354jfput said:
I’ve learned one thing over the years, just because I can’t hear something someone else is describing, doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s not just audible either...some things sound and “feel” better. :)
Fair enough, but I'm usually taking a more skeptic approach, and just be generally wary when the marketing dept starts throwing around buzzwords.

Like things like 'skin effect' in GUITAR cables, when pretty much everyone that knows about that stuff, agrees on that it's happening in MHz-levels of frequencies, not 40-7000Hz, that's when I'm cautious.

And if you (in general) believe you can hear the DIRECTION of a guitar cable, more power to you. I still have to meet the first person that scores over 80% on a double blind test for cable directivity. YMMV.
Speeddemon":2ul4uyrj said:
psychodave":2ul4uyrj said:
Speeddemon":2ul4uyrj said:
paulyc":2ul4uyrj said:
Speeddemon":2ul4uyrj said:
What exactly was Bill doing in terms on hyping his circuit? I mean, the first time around.

He gooped the circuit, adding some mystery. And tons of folks, especially on TGP creamed their pants about the Klon's tone. How is Bill actively hyping that?

If you mean him hyping it nowadays, then I'm with ya. But there I'm of the position "if you're no longer building it yourself, and your originals suddenly fetch crazy money, you can't really blame the community coming up with alternatives, and you should you refrain from adding oil to the fire". Same with Boss no longer making the FA-1's. There's some magic in that circuit too (combined with specific components). I've built versions 1:1 like the original (greeny caps, carbon film resistors, etc.) as well as modern low-noise updates. Most of the tone sits in the op-amps in that circuit, so I typically would avoid versions that substitute those with DIL op-amps, like a TL072).

Look, I never played the real thing, but I know a thing or two about boost pedals. From what I can gather, he had some rather unique approaches circuit-wise and it wasn't a totally simple circuit, opposed a pedal from a certain person who's first name starts with the last letter of the alphabet, IIRC pretty much copied a RCA preamp circuit, names it 'related to a rigid state of a male's appendage', sells an inherent design-shortcoming as a feature not to be feared, and asks $250+ dollars for it. ;)

I'd say credit where credit's due and if the world goes crazy after drinkin' the kool-aid, you can't blame the builder IMO.
Every interview I s ever read from him he’s made mention of unibtanium parts and “it can’t be done anymore, the supply is gone” etc etc etc it that’s not hype then what is
But again, was he giving these interviews when he was actively selling these pedals, when he started out, or later on, when the originals were fetching 4 digit numbers and more and more Clones started to appear?
If the latter, then I agree with you, but at the same time, it's weird, because he wouldn't gain anything at that point himself. He would just increase the value of the units on the used market.

On a related note: claiming to hear the difference between different 1N34A's* -at least to me- falls in the same category as 'directional guitar cables' or 'Hey, this Energizer 9V sounds a lot crappier in my wah than a Varta." :lol: :LOL:

*=save for high tolerance-differences in the forward voltage drop (which would be audible in drive-circuits).

I could hear differences in 9 volt batteries...meaning carbon vs alkaline. Back in the late 80’s-early 90’s I had 9 volt mercury batteries that sounded awesome in all of my old MXR script pedals. Those batteries were used in hospital equipment. Too bad they were outlawed.
You're now talking different types of 9V batteries, I was talking about hearing which brand.

psychodave":2ul4uyrj said:
I’ve learned one thing over the years, just because I can’t hear something someone else is describing, doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s not just audible either...some things sound and “feel” better. :)
Fair enough, but I'm usually taking a more skeptic approach, and just be generally wary when the marketing dept starts throwing around buzzwords.

Like things like 'skin effect' in GUITAR cables, when pretty much everyone that knows about that stuff, agrees on that it's happening in MHz-levels of frequencies, not 40-7000Hz, that's when I'm cautious.

And if you (in general) believe you can hear the DIRECTION of a guitar cable, more power to you. I still have to meet the first person that scores over 80% on a double blind test for cable directivity. YMMV.

Yeah, I’m not sure I could hear the difference in guitar cables. lol

However, years ago I posted something here about the difference in sound with and without using tubes shields. :)
Yeah, I don't buy into the directionality of cables, either.

Exactly, if we were dealing with frequencies above 1 MHz, then maybe... but we're not even close to those levels, with the exception of some high-speed ADCs, and to the best of my knowledge, that's only internally. Digital clocking might be an exception, too, but both are in a whole other realm.

I used to be skeptical about with vs. without tube shields until I heard it. Some amps more than others, but it really can make a difference. Same thing with different types of batteries, and I might (maybe) think that different brands could sound different because of differences in the electrical properties of proprietary chemical compounds (maybe). Same thing with removing the covers on humbuckers.

Not to say any one is better than the other. For example, I have covers on most of my humbuckers, simply because I prefer it that way. There is definitely a difference, though.
The only thing that holds true is you can’t argue what another person can or can’t hear. It’s also a good way to BS your way into making a selling point.

I really like the Tumnus Deluxe too. But like every boost/ OD pedal they’re amp dependent.
LP Freak":3a5ewdkc said:
The only thing that holds true is you can’t argue what another person can or can’t hear. It’s also a good way to BS your way into making a selling point.
Exactly! :yes:
ChurchHill":39xaw0fx said:
LP Freak":39xaw0fx said:
The only thing that holds true is you can’t argue what another person can or can’t hear. It’s also a good way to BS your way into making a selling point.
Exactly! :yes:

Especially if you throw in some pseudo-science words where the buyer might be going 'hey I heard about that before somewhere...these guys must know their stuff!' :lol: :LOL:
Speeddemon":61723ypo said:
Especially if you throw in some pseudo-science words where the buyer might be going 'hey I heard about that before somewhere...these guys must know their stuff!' :lol: :LOL:
This was one of the main reasons why I started trying to learn as much as I can about the technical aspects of the gear I use. Not that I'm an expert on anything and only really know about how things work for me. I'd just rather rely on my own experiences and research.