Who likes P90s?


New member
I'm not entirely happy with the stock humbuckers in my Burny, and I've been trying to decide on all the many different ones out there on the market.

Now I'm thinking maybe humbucker sized P90s would be what I'm looking for, I've always been more of a single coil guy (apart from the Bridge pickup in my Tyler).
I've never heard a humbucker sized P90 that sounds right. I checked some out from various pickup makers a few years back, and they didn't produce the right tone. Talking to a few of the pickup making gurus it's apparently got something to do with how the wire is wound on a pickup base that's shorter than a regular P90 (which is longer than a bucker base plate) and affects the tone due to using wire that's not the same gauge/wind pattern/etc.

Consequently the best sounding P90 pickups are the standard long base plate models. I've recently acquired the new WCR P90 pickups, and they're in two of old SG's right now.

Pete Thorn has my 61 SG Special with them, and he's doing some new speaker clips for me with it. Those should be out in a week or so.
I'm interested to see what the Arcane Phil X humbucker sized P90s are like.

He's just released the standard sized ones and he loves his P90s
I dont think that Ive ever played a P90 equipped guitar that I didnt love the tone. Its a very overlooked pickup( myself included) that is at home all across the gain and style spectrum.
I LOVE P90s, more so than humbuckers honestly.... (but it's understandable because I'm a single coil guy)

Here's my Les Paul Custom with Humbucker size P90s (Duncan Phat Cats) I love them, they sound REALLY go IMO. The amp is the Egnater Renegade behind without fx or boost. Mic'd with an SM57 and MD421

P90's are my favorite pickup although I have no experience with humbucker sized P90's. LP Special is my main guitar.

Nasty, dirty, noisy pickups. Love 'em! :rock:
I love them. It's always a big disappointment when I pick up a humbucker loaded guitar immediately after playing P-90's.
boost":gm7774gh said:
P90's are my favorite pickup although I have no experience with humbucker sized P90's. LP Special is my main guitar.

Nasty, dirty, noisy pickups. Love 'em! :rock:

Sounds perfect for church!
>I've never heard a humbucker sized P90 that sounds right. I checked some out from various pickup makers a few years back, and they didn't produce the right tone.<

That's my experience as well. I've also found several traditional looking P90s to be very thin sounding (imported Reverend and imported PRS guitars both sounded that way to my ear). I prefer more grit.

I've found the Grosh P90s in an Electajet to be a wonderful tone that fits well between regular single coils and HBs. I'm sure there are others.
Love P90s! I have been really digging my Les Paul 60s Tribute lately. Just great tones.

Love them, that's why I got this:


I was going to try the hum size in a couple guitars, but just decided to get this. Still like my hums as well though, so I think having a dedicated P90 guitar makes better sense for me. My new Luxxtone will be a P90 in the neck, hum in the bridge.
i love p90s =0 great pickup, although i'd agree i'm yet to find a humbucker sized P90 that sounds quite like the soapbars in the guitar i have, i use the middle position to hum cancel, phat tone as they say

i think one of my ideal guitar builds would be a soapbar neck and a humbucker bridge, some of the 3 p90 equipped guitars have looked really interesting

apart from say the gibson BFG - are there many guitars with a soapbar p90 neck and a humbucker bridge?

think yamaha have a pacifica model that has that setup,

otherwise this godin gets me all excited =0 and some of the PRS 3 p90 offerings


or this PRS mira
I too, have not has luck wit hthe HUm sized ones. I bough a GFS hum sized one to try in the neck of my Pauls, does not have the Crunch and nastyness of the Cheap ass full size P90 in my Epi Jr.... It's sitting on a shelf now, the Alnico two went righ back in....
SFW":26gv3ig8 said:
NS10Fan, that is hot on so many levels.

+1. I would only change the knobs to gold speed knobs with the metal inserts, then it would be perfect, but that's just me.
university81":2c2hyh8l said:
i think one of my ideal guitar builds would be a soapbar neck and a humbucker bridge, some of the 3 p90 equipped guitars have looked really interesting

apart from say the gibson BFG - are there many guitars with a soapbar p90 neck and a humbucker bridge?

My next Luxtone, ;) Being built as we speak...
Gainzilla":1pb45dhw said:
I dont think that Ive ever played a P90 equipped guitar that I didnt love the tone. Its a very overlooked pickup( myself included) that is at home all across the gain and style spectrum.

Agree with you on that. I played an SG with 2 stock p90's and an Ernie Ball Music Man Albert Lee with 3 stock P90's and they were both great sounding guitars. The Albert Lee to be honest was probably my favorite P90 guitar ever. I was actually surprised at how good they sounded. I went for a long time overlooking p90's since you hear of single coils or humbuckers almost exclusively in the pickup discussion. One day I just played on one and was pleasantly surprised.