Installing Wall of Sound Issue


New member
I had downloaded the Wall of Sound plugin about a year ago. I bought some new cabs from the two notes website this evening and realized I had to download the updated version of the Wall of Sound plugin in order to use them. Downloaded it, but when I go through the installation process it doesn't allow me to choose a specific folder to install it in. Only allows me to select a disc drive. in says it has installed successfully but I can't find it anywhere to move it into my Digi Design plugin folder. When I search for it in my Finder it doesn't come up. I'm on a Mac by the way. Any ideas?
I see it in my Automap plugin list. But even though I have it checked off it doesn't appear in my protools.

can you please submit a ticket on the Two notes support please? (
Please specify the version of your DAW, your OS in the ticket. Thank you.