What happened to the off-topic?

I think it turned into a political shit-show, and hate speech central.

It had some people quitting the forum all together.

Some guys were mortally offended. They were blowing the fuses in their brains and losing their shit. I can think of a couple incidents that made some members go insane and quit the forum. But, in their defense, some nasty stuff was aimed at them.

Would I have quit over it? Nope. I like gear too much. I would not let some loser steer me away from the gear on rigtalk!!

😭why can’t everyone just get along?😭
It had some people quitting the forum all together.

Some guys were mortally offended. They were blowing the fuses in their brains and losing their shit. I can think of a couple incidents that made some members go insane and quit the forum. But, in their defense, some nasty stuff was aimed at them.

Would I have quit over it? Nope. I like gear too much. I would not let some loser steer me away from the gear on rigtalk!!

😭why can’t everyone just get along?😭

Yeah, alot of hate went on, racism, and just some pretty foul behavior.
#4 I would not let some loser(s) steer me away from the gear on rigtalk!!

Figured after a couple months of getting a full read of the OT section I had 3 options:

#1 Stay quiet and let the vile shit-show keep going unabated.
#2 Out myself as a liberal and try and appeal to people's better senses.
#3 Out myself and give the haters their BS right back at them, and twice as hard.

I went with 3. Because at the end of the day?
What is kind of crazy is that with the new format, avoiding it was super easy. I didn't see it unless I went looking for it. I don't care about the political stuff but I like random OT stuff like cooking/drinking/cars/guns/etc.
I’d offer a different take. I’d say that people cried like children about it, stomped their feet, and got their way.
^ This in a nutshell.
To expound this small but very vocal collective of RT members absolutely cannot tolerate dissenting opinions especially ones that conflict with their personal political viewpoints and they also are unable to abstain from any such discussion so like a moth to the flame they are complulsively drawn in.
These Members appear to be so fragile mentally that they now see politics in threads that contain zero politics meaning that if they dont like something it should also likely be banned.

These are not the kind of users that should be catered to by Mods or Admin in my opinion as they will gladly burn RT to the ground in order to silence any and all dissent .