Kyle does Bugera

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Kyle sells more amps in a week than I have owned for my entire life. The Tri rec demos to me sounded better than Dual Recs this is the first demo I've watched of the 6260.

I ordered a 6505 to replace the 5150 sig I sold a year and a half ago. I sold it thinking I could just buy another one a few months later. Sold it for 600 then 2 months later they are going for triple. As much as I loved that amp, I will be damned before I pay that.
Kyle sells more amps in a week than I have owned for my entire life. The Tri rec demos to me sounded better than Dual Recs this is the first demo I've watched of the 6260.

I ordered a 6505 to replace the 5150 sig I sold a year and a half ago. I sold it thinking I could just buy another one a few months later. Sold it for 600 then 2 months later they are going for triple. As much as I loved that amp, I will be damned before I pay that.
If my triple doesn't move soon, I am keeping that beast!
I dont like that tone at all, but kyles a kindred spirit playing style wise to me so, bump
He never uses enough gain for my ears. I know I know, "you never need as much gain as you think when recording"....but, I think people over compensate for that by using too little gain.

Sure you could argue that once you double track and pan wide it will sound much bigger. But I just wish his chugs had a tad more gain everytime.
He never uses enough gain for my ears. I know I know, "you never need as much gain as you think when recording"....but, I think people over compensate for that by using too little gain.

Sure you could argue that once you double track and pan wide it will sound much bigger. But I just wish his chugs had a tad more gain everytime.
Each to his own, but I don't think it lacked gain at all, especially when he kicked into the lead channel.

Everyone has his own taste, tho. I personally don't always like how he dials the mids so high in most of this demos, but the dude is really likable and very easy going. I enjoyo his demos.
He never uses enough gain for my ears. I know I know, "you never need as much gain as you think when recording"....but, I think people over compensate for that by using too little gain.

Sure you could argue that once you double track and pan wide it will sound much bigger. But I just wish his chugs had a tad more gain everytime.
I really dig his vids cause he doesnt go overboard with the gain. I think you get a little more of an amps personality to come through without all the gain on youtube vids. Take Ola, Fluff, Reza or who ever. Once you get it super saturated it all sounds pretty much the same. Now in the room I would definitely use more gain.
I think it sounds pretty good. I could definitely gig with that tone no problem.
I’m going to go against the grain here. He and several other YouTube amp review channels have one big problem. They make every amp they play sound exactly the same. Boring.
Amps all have their own tone. Instead of focusing on quantity vs quality reviews just for YouTube clicks focus on the quality of the amps tone.
IMO he could have saved tens of thousands of dollars just buying a Peavey 6505+ and put two gain pedals in front. Problem solved.
I agree, I stopped watching Kyle's vids a while ago. Not because they sucked. No, he seems like a good guy and I appreciate his effort. To me they just all sounded so similar that it wasn't helpful for me anymore. I guess one could open several tabs and A/B his vids as comparisons.

Ola is the same way, but he's a pretty entertaining dude so I'll click from time to time.
I agree, I stopped watching Kyle's vids a while ago. Not because they sucked. No, he seems like a good guy and I appreciate his effort. To me they just all sounded so similar that it wasn't helpful for me anymore. I guess one could open several tabs and A/B his vids as comparisons.

Ola is the same way, but he's a pretty entertaining dude so I'll click from time to time.
Agreed 100%. Used to watch him more regularly. He’s charismatic and great personality, very likable guy as others said, and he gets an overall sound that is pleasant enough and works, but not at all good for distinguishing the details in the tone of the amps. If you actually compare to some other YouTube channels, his overall sound is often a bit muffled actually

I’m still a newb with recording, but I can already get a sound where I can hear big differences and nuances in my amps, so I’m happy there, but my overall sound is just too dry, sharp and just not pleasant sounding, but working on it. I’ve wanted to do a channel YouTube myself just like Kyle for a while, so definitely respect a lot what he’s doing. My main issue would be being very awkward and not charismatic on camera haha
Agreed 100%. Used to watch him more regularly. He’s charismatic and great personality, very likable guy as others said, and he gets an overall sound that is pleasant enough and works, but not at all good for distinguishing the details in the tone of the amps. If you actually compare to some other YouTube channels, his overall sound is often a bit muffled actually

I’m still a newb with recording, but I can already get a sound where I can hear big differences and nuances in my amps, so I’m happy there, but my overall sound is just too dry, sharp and just not pleasant sounding, but working on it. I’ve wanted to do a channel YouTube myself just like Kyle for a while, so definitely respect a lot what he’s doing. My main issue would be being very awkward and not charismatic on camera haha
Dude I'd love to hear you demo some of your gear. You could do what Ola USED to talking, just a shot of the amp showing the settings. Maybe a shot of your signal chain/pedal board and some text on the screen. Personally I'd like to see youtubers move back in this direction, but again there is the entertainment factor as well.
Dude I'd love to hear you demo some of your gear. You could do what Ola USED to talking, just a shot of the amp showing the settings. Maybe a shot of your signal chain/pedal board and some text on the screen. Personally I'd like to see youtubers move back in this direction, but again there is the entertainment factor as well.
I would too. I watch these things to learn about gear, not hear stupid jokes. I can just watch family guy or something else that does that better lol

I’ve thought about doing that, but would have way fewer views and subscribers I’d think. The channel I respect and learned from most is Johan Segeborn and he’s a little awkward too, so he gives me hope it can work lol
What he does is show everyone that he can get a sound he likes out of every amp. His sound. Though it may not be the most in depth review of all the amps' capabilities. Similar to the videos that Taylor Daneley does. But yeah, I can do without the little jokes. Ola is the only one where I can tolerate the silliness because he is Ola and im pretty sure he started that. Everyone else is trying to follow the same method which is cringey.