How's it going in Tinfoil Corner?

Yep. You’re right and I agree with you. You keep on listening to those voices in your head.
What time is your Liberal World Order meeting down there?

Top Psychiatrist: Today’s Left Are Mentally Ill

"According to veteran psychiatrist Dr. Lyle Rossiter, leftists are suffering from a form of psychosis, comically nicknamed ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome".

“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,”

"For decades he has diagnosed and treated more than 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago"

"Rossiter says today’s liberalism, as displayed by the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton throughout the previous administration, as well as by today’s Democratic Party leaders and the increasingly hysterical “mainstream media,” can only be understood as a psychological disorder"

“Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do,” he says.

“A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do".

"And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do.”

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

Creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization:

Satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation:

Augmenting primitive feelings of envy:

Rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government:

“The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind,” he says.

“When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”
People need to rise up , it's time but when you have no guns you're screwed .

No Longer a Conspiracy Theory: Dutch Farmers Must Make Way for Asylum Seekers​


This is getting to be a complicated picture. Schwab’s globalists pick on the world’s 5th largest food exporter, The Netherlands, choose a gas to demonize (nitrogen, not CO2) that isn’t at all a problem. Then devise plans to shut down at least a THIRD of farms on this basis, farmers and food-consuming human beings be damned. The next step? Take farmland the Schwab puppet government has already bought and turn it into a migrant reception centre. One globalist scheme artfully merges with another …

We have to agree with the FVD politician below who comments that ‘every caricature has been surpassed’.
The below is sure to drive any liberal to suicide LOL.

No President Is More Deserving Of The Medal Of Freedom​

By Ron Ewart




For four years, the positive leadership, sound judgment, and unceasing efforts of President Donald J. Trump, have been major factors in strengthening the economy and security of the United States and its allies and delivered a future of greater promise and opportunity for American citizens of all backgrounds, races, religions, creeds and genders.

Under his guidance and the effectiveness of his actions in foreign policy he has bolstered the will and determination of our allies to resist aggression. The common defense of free nations has been greatly furthered by his frequent discussions and face-to-face meetings with foreign leaders both abroad and at home. His working with the Israelis and four Arab nations resulted in peace and trade treaties between once sworn enemies. For that effort he has been nominated for four (4) Nobel Peace Prizes.

He took several European nations to task for not funding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). As a result, several nations have begun to pay their share. He is the first president to challenge China’s stated objective to be the dominant power in the world. China is now internationally recognized as an extreme threat to the peace and security of the world.

Under his leadership, he reduced taxes and regulations to the benefit of the American economy in all sectors. His tax initiatives brought billions of dollars back to American shores to be used in manufacturing and job creation. He oversaw the negotiations in the Canada-Mexico-USA Trade Agreement, (USMCA) thereby eliminating the many flaws that existed in the old trade agreement under NAFTA.

His selfless devotion to duty and firm adherence to the basic principles and ideals upon which our country was founded have made possible his many major accomplishments in his quest to make America great again. His list of accomplishments has been tallied on no less than 33 pages. A link to those accomplishments can be found HERE.

President Trump gave people the hope that things actually could be better with the right leadership and positive actions by government to get out of the people’s way and let the capabilities, creativity and spirit of the American people solve many of their own problems. A full belly, engaged in rewarding work, can be productive, prosperous and generous. An empty belly is the deep well of hopelessness. President Trump’s efforts gave millions of Americans respected work and full bellies.

In recognition of his outstanding and dedicated service and to the millions of lives he touched and inspired, “We the People” take great pleasure in presenting this Medal of Freedom to President Donald J. Trump.

* * * * * * * * * * *

As bestowed upon President Trump by “We the Freedom-Loving People” of the United States of America

Enduring a relentless assault on his presidency; pummeled by viscous attacks on his presidential actions; taunted by criticism of his family and his character; haunted by U. S. District court judges that thwarted his every move; hounded by Democrat politicians and bureaucrats, the mainstream and social media and pilloried by Democrat members of Congress, with some from his own party, President Donald J. Trump managed to devote his full time as president for and on behalf of America and the American people. He fought for us and he paid a huge, unnecessary and unwarranted price for it.

His America First policy was what a floundering and listless electorate needed to pull them out of the dull drums of a failing economy and a general feeling that America was headed in the wrong direction, after the failed presidency of in-eligible to be president, Barack Hussein Obama and the corrupt Vice President “I never took a dime from China” Joe Biden.

From decreasing taxes and regulations, to jobs, to foreign policy, to military readiness, to international trade, to health care and to the Coronavirus, his focus was always on what is good for America and Americans. He rejected globalism, socialism and radical environmentalism, all enemies of a free people.

The huge crowds that attended his rallies were a testament to his wide popularity. He said what free Americans wanted to hear. He took us back to the days of being proud to be Americans again; of being proud of American exceptionalism, prosperity and generosity; of being proud to have a job and be able to work and to cherish our freedom and liberty, the promise of our creator.

President Trump, beholden to no one, took on the Establishment and the Deep State. He levied huge criticisms at the press for publishing lies and propaganda about he and his supporters. No, he isn’t perfect but then none of us are. He was dogged by his petty tweets that tended to overshadow his achievements and gave the press and social media the ammunition they needed to paint him in false colors. If he made a mistake, it was for not fully assessing the power and entrenchment of the Washington DC Establishment and Deep State. That immense political power, aided and abetted by social media and the press, along with massive voter fraud, cost him re-election. The failure of his re-election bid was a huge, if not devastating loss for America and American freedom.

Meanwhile, the violent, looting, burning Black Lives Matter (BLM) cult is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize as the real peace maker is drummed out of office by a socialist Democrat, gone totally insane, mob of government-dependent, blind party idiots. Democrats, the news media and corporate America not only sanctioned BLM but gave it huge sums of money as well. They turned a blind eye and ignored the rioting, burning, looting and violence by BLM and ANTIFA in cities all over America.

And no! Trump did not cause the riots at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. The occupation of the Capitol on that day was pre-planned well in advance and designed to paint the Trump supporters as White Supremacists and domestic terrorists. The Democrat un-constitutional impeachment of Trump for allegedly inciting insurrection is a purely political scam to discredit Trump more than they have already. They are motivated by the raw emotion of unbridled hate for Trump who had the audacity to challenge the Establishment’s status quo in DC.

Nevertheless, in recognition of his service to his country and the American people, we strongly believe he should receive a “We The PeopleMEDAL OF FREEDOM. (click on the link to view the medal and certificate) In furtherance of that goal, we crafted a special Medal of Freedom, Certificate and Citation (shown above) worthy of President Trump’s exemplary service. It is our hope to obtain a minimum of 100,000 actual signatures in 60 days to accompany the Medal, Certificate and Citation when we send it all to him in one package, at Mar a Lago, Florida. You can access a PDF version of the signature page HERE, or upon your request we will e-mail you a WORD version of the signature page. E-mail your request HERE. Each signature page contains the instructions on what to do.

This effort will have no meaning or significance if we can’t get enough freedom-loving Americans to participate with their actual signatures. Actual signatures have a much greater impact than the on-line, push-a-button, signatures. Take a few minutes of your time and do something that will make you feel good about America again, in spite of what is happening in the nation’s capitol today. The Democrats will eventually go too far and America’s pendulum will begin to swing right again, if it isn’t too late.

And speaking of going too far, Google HR 127 and read what the House Dem’s are planning for your guns. The attack on the 2nd Amendment is several magnitude steps farther than the Democrats have ever taken gun control. You won’t believe it and it will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. The words that will immediately come to your lips will be ….. CIVIL WAR!
OMG , don't know how I missed this . The below is not new information thousands of medical experts have been screaming about this since day 1 the problem is the masses who get their info from mainstream sources never hear about it. These people are all being silenced and censored.

What Dr. Paul Alexander Was Told Privately About the VVV’s in 2020​

Warning: coming many Americans, many people will die because of these COVID injections, many healthy children WILL die due to these shots; FDA, CDC, NIH, Moderna, & Pfizer secretly told me this​

I was told in discussions with FDA, CDC, NIH, Moderna, & Pfizer officials in Washington at HHS July/August 2020, their grave concerns, why they must be silent as in fear for safety and careers; Toby!!

I have been trying to warn. I have written on this here in stack.

I was told by these officials, in confidential secret discussions, that in about 6 to 6.5 years from roll-out, in those who take the injections, they feared mass auto-immune disease and deaths, they feared viral immune escape and very problematic variants, and they anticipated constant deaths from the injections but a major number of deaths to emerge. They said, based on all they knew, that the COVID injections could never work, especially the mRNA platform. It never worked in the animal model and was pathological. They told me that in about 6 to 6.5 years, there will be a surge in deaths in persons who take the injections. They advised me they nor their families will never take any of the COVID injections.

I am being open with you to inform you. I am sick and tired, years now, of the lies and fraud and disaster put out by the media, the alphabet health agencies, etc. You trusted your public health officials, you think ‘they care about you’. Well, they never cared about you, your family, or the truth. It is to them about the $CIENCE.