Most overrated amp?

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closest to in the room i could get was out of KPA into a was a SS...but had some punch to it, into a 212. with some volume it began to get that liquid feel (my definition) you get with tubes and volume and cab.

it was still very "boomy" to my ears though...and i just couldn't get it out...and it bothered me.
same, but with a tube power amp. it was close...i could make it work, but i didn't find the tone inspiring. The sound out of the mains kicked all kinds of ass tho.

the first one to crack the code on that part of the modeling will dominate the marketplace.
My takes :
Diezels - anemic, arfitical, stiff, weird sub bass low end
EVH 5150 - never understand hype. Very stiff clean and crunch, lead is just a mess... big peaveys plays so much better for any style...
Marshall 2555X - sound like joke, too fizzy, undefined, and diode clipping is ugly. 50W 2554 was so much better amp.
Every generation of AxeFx supposedly “outmodels” the previous. The current word on the street is that the new Quad Cortex “out profiles” the Kemper. All these improvements are aimed at increasing realism. Why not be content with the real thing when it’s already there? Something’s wrong when the devices intended for replacing tube amps cost more than a respectable, moderately priced tube amp that’ll always sound and feel better.
I think the idea behind a kemper, axefx or quad cortex is to eliminate a big rig. Back in the day I used to build bradshaw styles systems now a quadcortex can do all of it in one small device. The amps sound pretty good when you play them through cabs. An even more awesome feature of the quadcortex specifically is that you can have 2 guitars and a bass all playing through it all at once with pretty decent tone stacks.

saying all that i still prefer my real amps in the room lol.
Never played a real Trainwreck Express but out of more than 20 amp circuits I've built up the Trainwreck Express clone was the least enjoyable to play. Icepick, buzzy choppy chainsaw tone. Clean to mean with the guitar volume did work good but neither the clean or mean was satisfying to play
When I've played the MTL I wasn't that impressed but a bunch of people on here seem to swear by them so I'll give it another try in a few weeks but I'd a bunch of "holy grail" amps from a Larry to a real ODS and "they are just amps" rings true most of the time:

ive never heard anything from a wizard ive been super impressed by, certainly not enough to drop the coin on a used one which are always plentiful in the classifieds. guys do swear by them though, id love to try one
"they are just amps" rings true most of the time:
Pretty much my thoughts as well.

As long as we're stating the obvious...........One persons turd is anothers holy grail. Definitely not some kind of profound revelation either.

Just more fodder for throwing shit at each other about bragging rights or not especially on some of the other forums. Although there seems to be a lot less of that here. Folks here seem more down to earth and much less pretentious about it all.
ive never heard anything from a wizard ive been super impressed by, certainly not enough to drop the coin on a used one which are always plentiful in the classifieds. guys do swear by them though, id love to try one
You might be disappointed. I've got 3 of them. To be fair and reasonable, I could do with much, much, less. I just wanted to see for myself and I'm happy with mine. Don't plan on selling anytime soon. I notice the used prices seem to be coming down on them and other stuff.

It's all been said a million what makes you happy. If it sounds good to you, IT IS GOOD.
For many old enough to remember one of those shows back in the day.......definitely one of those "had to be there" things.

Primal stuff, loud and intense. Guaranteed to leave an idelible mark on the brain.

And some hearing loss and possible tinnitus. Maybe accumulatively permanent.

And it might definitely change your world view on ampage. It did me.
Whiplash Bash cobo hall Detroit … good times
I would say most Diezel amps. I do like them BUT for new prices, it's pretty insane. People also seem to absolutely love them or hate them. The VH4, to me, has one great channel (3) and the other 3 are good or ok. On the used market they are a fantastic deal but new....I can't (or wont i guess is more appropriate) The Herbert is IMO the best sounding but it's also incredibly heavy and expensive to re-tube. It also REALLY goes up my ass that a 2203 is $2k-$3k but that's just me.
Channel 2 is super underrated.
Please indulge my old ignorant would "the Diezel sound" be categorized?

I don't trust videos. Sure....they're entertaining. But I'd not generally base an amp purchase off one (although I have in the past when I was younger and even more stupid than I am now).

Being an old fucker exposed to years of loud industrial noise (e.g. turbine jet engine test cells and live "on wing" testing) and loud live band noise on stages, I've definitely lost some of my high frequency hearing sensitivity. Probably the reason I enjoy and use some of the amps many of my peers seem to "hate" like Wizards, Vintage Mesas, some of the Matchless like the Clubman. What a number of people describe as screetchy, ice-picky, uncompressable presence, I find my sound.

Since getting a few Wizards, I find things like a Friedman SB50, or even my older SLO's softer sounding. I don't find the cutting, angry presence of say my MC50, or MCII KT150 in many other amps.

I've also tried a few Bogners and one of the Mesas JP2C's. They did sound good to me, but to my ears they don't sit and cut through the live band mix like say my MCII KT150.

I realize this is all uber subjective, and opinions are all over the place, but I'm asking for opinions.

Snark and smart-ass answers encouraged and expected ;)
Please indulge my old ignorant would "the Diezel sound" be categorized?

I don't trust videos. Sure....they're entertaining. But I'd not generally base an amp purchase off one (although I have in the past when I was younger and even more stupid than I am now).

Being an old fucker exposed to years of loud industrial noise (e.g. turbine jet engine test cells and live "on wing" testing) and loud live band noise on stages, I've definitely lost some of my high frequency hearing sensitivity. Probably the reason I enjoy and use some of the amps many of my peers seem to "hate" like Wizards, Vintage Mesas, some of the Matchless like the Clubman. What a number of people describe as screetchy, ice-picky, uncompressable presence, I find my sound.

Since getting a few Wizards, I find things like a Friedman SB50, or even my older SLO's softer sounding. I don't find the cutting, angry presence of say my MC50, or MCII KT150 in many other amps.

I've also tried a few Bogners and one of the Mesas JP2C's. They did sound good to me, but to my ears they don't sit and cut through the live band mix like say my MCII KT150.

I realize this is all uber subjective, and opinions are all over the place, but I'm asking for opinions.

Snark and smart-ass answers encouraged and expected ;)
I've heard the words "precise" "sterile" "hi-fi". They are very focused IMO. I will say the VH4 does not confirm to "the Diezel sound". It's much more "Marshall-y", a lot more bark. The Herbert is my fav as it just seems to fill out the sound spectrum. I don't think Diezel's would be a good comparison to Wizard amps. But saying what you think is the "best" sounding amp is like debating who the hottest chick in the world is. Opinions will vary wildly
Please indulge my old ignorant would "the Diezel sound" be categorized?

Generally speaking I’d call it processed. They always sound really compressed to me with a steep lpf thing going on and some “different” kind of eq curve. I have heard some great stuff with them but not really something I’d go for in general
That’s why dirt track stock modified racers couldn’t compete in NASCAR and why NASCAR drivers shouldn’t enter the Euro Grand Prix. This guy couldn’t handle a slot car.

This is why I always spam my clips. They aren't perfect, but they give a much better idea of what the amps actually sound like.
its crazy to me dans clips and one from eddy lenz are basically all thats out there of good larry clips that i can find. id assume there has to be a few hundred of them out there by now, where are they all?? you dont even see many pictures of them. these amps need to be heard