Cheap Solid State Ultra High Gain Suggestions? (pantera / white zombie tones)


Well-known member
Hey - i want something "janky" for my collection. - likely a Randall. Something to get me in the Dimebag / White Zombie neighborhood. That solid state sound of the early 90s.

I have synergy high gain modules and an Orange Dual Dark, but i want some super dry fuzzy solid state tone to mess about with. Nothing tube sounds quite like that "bad" solid state gain.

id love a smaller dimensioned head i can pick up on the cheap for fun from time to time.

Problem- i know NOTHING about Randall amps, models, what is decent and what sounds like the pantera/zombie tone im after.
doesnt have to be randall i guess but just want a sub-$400 toy.

thanks in advance
that one is supposed to be the vh140c which is still my favorite amp, if the op dosent want it i might actually bid on it.
I loved crate . I wish someone brought it back . I had an original blue voodoo half stack that I could get sounding great. I prob had 5 different crates . How many you own ?
that one is supposed to be the vh140c which is still my favorite amp, if the op dosent want it i might actually bid on it.
thats kind of you man, but go for it. i havent even like defined what im even looking for to be honest

this is cool though - ive never heard of this crate OR. that ampeg to be honest. these are waters unfamiliar to me,
A used Randall RG1003H is probably best option. I know guys that love if for that pantera FBD solid state

This is the answer.

I have the 150W version and it can nail the Pantera thing with just a little bit of help in the form of pretty much any boost that cuts bass in front of the amp. The amp itself has minimal input filtering so without anything in front of it to sculpt some bass out of your guitar, it’s going to mud up real quick. With a good overdrive though, you’ve basically got Pantera in a box.

If you want another option for a solid state high gain amp, check out a Peavey Transtube Supreme.
Oh boy.. I've owned every Randall amp ever pretty much. If you want a Randall find one of the 90's Randall Rh-"g2" series amps. They are very high gain and built during the Dime Era when he endorsed Randall. The RH250 is the best but very rare. Second I would recommend a Marshall 8100. Still the king of all SS amps. The 8100 is a top 5 metal amp ever IMO.
This will sound crazy but i truly believe the best SS amp ever is the Ibanez Toneblaster . And it does metal great . I had a lot of Randall’s too . Toneblaster is legit . One time I played live in a Blockbuster Video on a Friday night and got lots of love for my tone .
Far from the best SS amps but if you want something "janky" then Peavey, Crate and Randall certainly fit the bill.
The original Randall RG. Kinda beat but has the original FTSW...
"kinda" beat is one way to put it because that thing looks atrocious. Even that comparatively new speaker looks like someone transported gravel in the back of that combo and the broken combo cab reinforced with screws and metal brackets is the icing on the cake. I couldn't imagine paying $80 for it let alone $250.
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