Bandleader criticized my rig at a tryout

I would pound my chest and false charge him once or twice…. Then pull my dick out and mark that garage as my territory…I have a buddy that taught me that trick…

This is how it’s done.

If you add in screaming as high and low pitched as possible “Aboooodeeeboooboopboop” repeatedly it really adds some drama to the whole spectacle. The quicker you can change pitch, the more drama.
Round #2: Tell him he's out and you're taking over the band. When the inevitable protest starts, inform him you got suspicious at the high number of Jerry Lee Lewis covers in the set and you discovered this guy has the same "appetites" as JLL himself. So you're in, he's out and you won't call the cops if he complies.
A buddy of mine plays drums in an 50's early rock n roll unit and cleared it with the band leader to let me come down and try out the other day. He told me it's just a low key basic garage rehearsal so I grabbed my old champ and hoofed it over there and introduced myself. Dude was kinda cold right off the top and as I went to set up my stuff he was like "whoa whoa whoa, what's that?!" I was like "my amp". He says "it looks like something somebody threw away". And I was like "yeah, well it's mine now". I just don't know what to think of this guy. The rehearsal went pretty good after that. I'm thinking maybe a hard pass on this group is in order based on the leader's attitude. Pretty sure I could swipe his band away from him clean and easy though so maybe I should accept the gigs he offered me. I told him I'd have to double check. He's tenor saxophone and tries to sing but it's pretty bad.

What do you think?
I think you should ignore this comment and never think of it again. Life's too short, and there's far far more important things to ponder.
The more I think about it (which is too much), since it's '50s combo land; it's totally worth the cost of getting a Randall RG80 IMO

randall RG80.jpg

...and don't bring a noizegate. :D
I think you're being far too sensitive. You should've joked about something he was doing/wearing/using.
On the other hand if he can't sing or the band sucks it makes no sense to waste your time for those reasons alone.


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A buddy of mine plays drums in an 50's early rock n roll unit and cleared it with the band leader to let me come down and try out the other day. He told me it's just a low key basic garage rehearsal so I grabbed my old champ and hoofed it over there and introduced myself. Dude was kinda cold right off the top and as I went to set up my stuff he was like "whoa whoa whoa, what's that?!" I was like "my amp". He says "it looks like something somebody threw away". And I was like "yeah, well it's mine now". I just don't know what to think of this guy. The rehearsal went pretty good after that. I'm thinking maybe a hard pass on this group is in order based on the leader's attitude. Pretty sure I could swipe his band away from him clean and easy though so maybe I should accept the gigs he offered me. I told him I'd have to double check. He's tenor saxophone and tries to sing but it's pretty bad.

What do you think?
You must immediately throw your rig away and promptly get whatever the band leader says asap!!! You must do this immediately!!