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    • Disfigured
      Disfigured replied to the thread Larry is banned?.
      Something is not adding up. :unsure:
    • Disfigured
      Disfigured reacted to SBlue's post in the thread Larry is banned? with Wow Wow.
      He tried contacting Larry in March, because deadline for his PMM was April, and Larry ghosted him. I've replied to him saying Larry...
    • Disfigured
      Disfigured reacted to Smash's post in the thread Larry is banned? with Like Like.
      I have thought of this and agree.
    • Disfigured
      Disfigured replied to the thread Larry is banned?.
      Larry doesn’t come to agreements, that’s the problem, he’s defiant until the end. He would burn down his house to kill a spider and...
    • Disfigured
      Disfigured replied to the thread Larry is banned?.
      Also, congrats to Larry on 4K views of this thread already, by getting banned and bringing attention to a signature that most people...
    • Disfigured
      Disfigured replied to the thread Larry is banned?.
      Recently someone posted in the Larry sub forum that they didn’t receive their amp on time and that Larry had cut all contact. Then the...
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