Recent content by gkinsingapore

  1. G

    Journey Eclipse - Anyone istening?

    Got the new Journey album yesterday and had a listen in the car today. I love Journey but the new album seems to be lacking in songs and each of music seems to be an extended jam or collection of ideas rather than a song. Can't get into Arnels voice at all and some of Neils...
  2. G

    TC G System...what should I know

    My current pedal board has become cumbersome.....its the heaviest part of my rig....power supplies, eventide boxes,suhr channel switcher cables for miles.....all on a Pedal train pro. The G system appeals a lot and I'm very close to pulling the trigger on one. I have a PT100 that I use for all...
  3. G

    Winger - Karma

    Wow...just, Wow..... 'Witness' my pick so far...the guitar playing.....freakin hell..... Reb Beach on fire right through the record. The guitars sound huge, just stunning. Does anyone know if its mostly Suhr Reb Beach and PT100?
  4. G

    Just ordered my PT100

    Just this afternoon I wired off a shed load of cash to Suhr for my PT100 so figured I would also join this forum (1st post!) Have been corresponding with Ed from Suhr who I gotta say has been extremely quick and efficient with his replies. I'm still waiting for another manufacturer (cough...