Recent content by Jdguitar

  1. J

    Phaez amp Everybody wants Some

    What do you guys think? ... zhYpgocO3I
  2. J

    New to Mesa

    My local store started carrying Mesa and he's an awesome guy who I enjoy doing business with and like to support. I have never played anything Mesa and don't even need an amp but am going to buy something from him. I think I'd like to get a 30 or 40 watt head that is versatile and will do...
  3. J

    Rik Emmett - Whole lotta love

    LP/'s all good. RfcBOCZMjww
  4. J

    Egnater making anything in US?

    I'm itching to buy an Egnater but obviously have heard about reliability. I don't mind paying for something well built. Is there anything I should be looking at?
  5. J

    Need an acoustic

    I have some gigs coming up that are going to require an acoustic guitar. I've been googling them for hours and really don't know what to get. I am looking for something that has a cutaway and good electronics in it. I figure I'm ok with spending in the $2000 range...give or take. Thanks.
  6. J

    Some live Phaez amp action

  7. J

    Skull Fist

    I just discovered this band from Toronto. Enjoy! ejXeswvziwM
  8. J

    Rush basement jamming

    Here is a short clip shot with the Zoom Q3HD. Peavey HP Special played through the Jaded Faith 59RR mod in the Randall RM100. No pros here...just some guys having some fun. S-uDLup4DAQ
  9. J

    Billy Corgan's modular preamp rig ... r_embedded
  10. J

    Engl Morse

    What is the story on these amps? I think Morse plays with a great tone and would love to pick up the Engl Morse if I get a chance. Anyone using one?