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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Diezel VH4 - How many versions and which is 'best'?.
      I find it kind of odd when people state that a certain amp has more saturation but less compression. More compression to me means that...
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread VH-4 and fuzz pedals.
      Channel 1 and 2 will do. Different sounds, though, in each channel. I use a selfmade axis fuzz.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
      Really. I find that kind of tedious. ;-)
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
      Like Jazz.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
      bedroom recording vh4 2nd channel, telecaster
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
      Yes, even the same model speaker in the same cab sounds different, but I meant that FL sounds quite a bit different than RL. So that...
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
      I'd suggest you go in stereo with both amps in one cab because the cab makes a bigger difference than the amp. Trust me. ;-)
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Diezel VH2 vs VH4.
      Still very strange. I cannot imagine Peter would make such a drastic change so that you have to dime the deep knob.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Diezel VH2 vs VH4.
      Does he state that it is a VH4 from 2024?
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Diezel VH2 vs VH4.
      I would say that my VH4 is bass heavier.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Diezel VH2 vs VH4.
      The difference in bass and deep is insane.
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
      Seems only a few of us are left. ;-)
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      Vin Diezel replied to the thread Who is dead?.
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