Master Thesis Comparing Tube Amps to Amp Sims


New member
Hey guys!

I'm doing a master's thesis comparing real Tube Amps with Amp Sims.

To have a base of information/opinions about how sims are being used by guitarists and producers, I'm initially doing some interviews on the subject.

If anyone wants to share their ideas, I made a google forms to simplify the process, so it's quick to answer it, but at the same time there's plenty of space for comments for those who want to go into detail and give more opinions on the subject. My intention is to get opinions mainly from those who have recorded with both tube amps and amp sims, to comment on the differences between them.

Thanks a lot!

Here is the link to it:

I'm also open to ideas and things to look for on the comparison, and I can post the results here if anyone is interested.

Thanks Again!
The answers are anonymous, I won't get your e-mail adress if you answer it
I only ask for a name, age and profession to have some background, but it doesn't have to be your full real name
IMHO, it’s mostly about feel. Solid state and sim amps have a stiff feel that can impact your performance. Also, many sims do a poor job of emulating middle of the road distortion without harshness.