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      SoooRad replied to the thread JCM800 with variac.
      Yep, and the above comment "he has a transformer made specifically for that", he also talks about running a SuperLead combo down into...
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      Another vote for the Gotoh. I replaced a few German OFRs with them, turned a profit, AND feel I have a better sounding and performing...
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      SoooRad replied to the thread Guest appearance guitar solos.
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      3rd Power amps are the only "boutique" amps that consistently make me go "damn that sounds good"
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      SoooRad replied to the thread JCM800 with variac.
      in the Jim Gaustad videos he talks about not adjusting the bias. He may or may not have brought it up in his Tone Talk Episode w/ Dave...
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      :p That’s what I call (in jest) a lot of the “painted” rock/metal bands of the 80s. They make up most of my music collection. And yes...
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      SoooRad replied to the thread 83 Kramer Reissue..
      Maybe Frets on the net? If that site still exists
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      No, a lot of them sucked. With a very small minority, most guys of that era had better sounds in the early 90s. Reb Beach had his best...
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      SoooRad replied to the thread JCM800 with variac.
      I sometimes run a variac with my Laney GH50L, it does that thing. Mostly it's a nice way to be able to get the power amp more "in the game"
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      SoooRad reacted to bubbastain's post in the thread 83 Kramer Reissue. with Love Love.
      How did I miss this thread?? Anyways, I've been resurrecting my 1985 Kramer Baretta the last few weeks. It's been in pieces for 20...
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      SoooRad replied to the thread 83 Kramer Reissue..
      The Proaxe would be a great “picking up where we left off” guitar. It makes sense, so you know it won’t happen. Haha
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      SoooRad replied to the thread 83 Kramer Reissue..
      The "83 Reissue" is copying a guitar that would've come with a Schaller Golden 50 pickup. There actual transition time from Schallers to...
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      SoooRad replied to the thread 83 Kramer Reissue..
      Kramers didn't start coming with Duncans until approx. '86. Pointy block logo era. They had Schaller pickups prior to that.
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      SoooRad replied to the thread 83 Kramer Reissue..
      As was the case with the original, yes.
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      SoooRad replied to the thread Creed in 2024.
      I find it funny that Scott's singing voice is lower than his talking voice. He made a career out of the way people jokingly do Eddie...
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