“Directed Evolution”

This should be one of the top news stories of the century. Every news source should be reporting on this 22 of 24 hours. Yet, they wont touch it. Talk about sheep....
Not really sure the news sources are sheep as much as bought off and paid for, part of the revolving door as well.
Just like Fauci and the NIH quickly redefined GOF right before his committee hearing awhile back.
He went berserk cuz he knows he is fucked and maybe feels he is no other option but to panic fight and destroy evidence. Not danger from O'Keefe, but from his own mouth and his employer and what he will do after he is canned or blacklisted or worse. The fact that he threw race card down like he was surrounded by zombies on the walking dead was pure fear and last resort. "I lied to impress a date." Man, what was impressing about admitting that?
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