20th Anniversary Ecstasy / 101B Ecstasy at Bogner Forum

I don't think anyone here on RT is dis'n on the 101B. Can't think of anyone. There's certainly nothing wrong with it and it is a tone monster. The tweaks on the 20th make it more suitable for me and I like it better. If I couldn't own them both, I would be content with a 101B.

I don't think anybody's saying the 101b sucks, I just think a lot of things people were looking for the 101b to do, were remedied in the 20th. Less filtering and compression, tighter bass response, easier to dial in, excursions and bright switches more effective, better clean channel, plexi mode boost for more gain, more cut and a more usable red channel. Like Steve_k said, though, if the 20th didn't exist I'd still be happy with a 101b...The blue channel blew my mind...it was the elusive sound I was searching for and turned me on to Bogner.
The 101B is the whipping boy of the XTC lineup it seems :LOL: :LOL:

They defnitely seem to be at an all time low in internet popularity/status, but I'm sure there are alot of happy silent owners that aren't posting online about it.

I enjoyed mine when I had it, I've had worse amps.
I dunno, seems to me I recall many cats here having both and some deciding to keep with the 101B, and those that were looking for mods and changes, went with the 20thA. No bashing - they're the best in what they do from the Bogner line up!

Silly post - hype - you know what, hype isn't such a bad thing when it's based on fact and reality!! :D
