A couple of new guitars (and clips with Diezel Paul)


Active member
Got a couple of new guitars in recent months and I am having a blast with these things. Just wanted to share a few pics and details.

Up first is my Palermo PG3. This is based on EVH's frankenstrat -- northern ash body, maple neck, 1984 floyd with big brass block and the EVH humbucker. Sounds so damn good! If you haven't checked out Palermo guitars, I would highly recommend looking them up.

Here's a photo and a quick clip with a Diezel Paul (DD 7 in the loop) SM57 and AT 4040 mics -- no post eq)



Next is a Charvel custom shop flat top I picked up from the Music Zoo not too long ago. Mahogany body, roasted maple neck and cocobolo board.

The Bareknuckle Mules in this guitar are killer! Had never tried these pickups before, but I am really impressed. This may be the coolest guitar I have ever owned. Mahogany body on a super strat is awesome. I recorded a clip of this one too.


Thanks guys.

Michael, I've A/B'd the Palermo guitar against one of those Chip Ellis made Franky replicas, and it sounded as close as two guitars can sound. I think it would sound insane through your Major. We're going to have to try this soon!