Active Bass Demo


New member
Somebody asked in the main forum about active bass DI to a mixer. I seriously didn't have anything better to do, so I tried it out.

This is a mediocre take (at best) of me playing DI. I used my Peavey Millenium AC 5. I'd like to have a meatier sound, but that would probably require a DI box of some sort.

Haha! ROFL! Oh man, I just did a test download of this. It makes me look like an idiot. Sooo funny. I didn't even get the drums synched up. Haha. It sounds like garbage. It might be worth the download for a laugh. Well, that's what I get for trying do something quickly and not being careful. Maybe I can recut it later without the drums just so people can hear the bass, in case anyone still cares.
