Allan Holdsworth - Devil Take the Hindmost


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Allan Holdsworth/Devil Take the Hindmost. I remember having Guitar Player Sound Page recording and a transcription. Couldn’t figure it out, and at that time probably couldn’t have played it anyway lol Fast forward approx 3.5 decades, and still can’t play it but I’m closer than I was! Using my ESP GH-200 (modded with ESP LH-150 pickups)>Boss SD-1>Blankenship Plexi>Ho attenuator>Jet City iso cab. Hope you dig it!

awesome job holmes! both performance and tone are on point here, now I have to take a crack at my favorite holdsworth solos/compositions.
awesome job holmes! both performance and tone are on point here, now I have to take a crack at my favorite holdsworth solos/compositions.
thanks man!! good luck! he’s got some crazy patterns!! I was playing licks at 30% speed for a while lol
That sounded great! Wish I could get a bit of that outside playing to mix w/ my own.
Thanks Carl!! Yeah this was interesting to learn! The bass is just basically in like a G pentatonic scale, which let’s Allan put all these weird notes in lol I would put it in the slow downer, fast parts at like even 30% speed and it was real cool to hear it that slow and see how the notes create that “Allan” sound :)