Amp crimes: Retolexing an amp in rat fur

I'd don't know man. That looks pretty good to me. Much better than say....this:

I don’t know man. I could dig such great tone from a scratching post.

That's exactly what that stuff turns into too! I had a pair of those ADA 2x12 vertical cabs that came covered in the same stuff.....and my cats had a field day with it. I will say it doesn't show the damage too badly, despite the amount of attention they gave it.
That fucking carpet stuff is like velcro for dog and cat hair and other similar debris. If you have a dog that sheds, that amp will soon resemble your car’s floorboard.
That cover might have been skillfully done, but good execution of bad taste is still bad.

“Here’s a drawing of an old man sucking a dick.“
“That’s horrible, dude.“
“No you don’t understand, look how well executed it was! Look at the detail on those veins!“
“Still horrible.”

Also like Bardagh said, if a pet or dirt comes within a mile of that thing it’s going to look like it’s been sitting in a shed for a year.
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