Anybody use a Wampler Tumnus Deluxe OD for boosting high gain amps?

It's pretty bass heavy for a klone tbh, it will do okay if you basically turn the bass all the way down, but it's not going to boost as effectively as some other options for high gain

It's meant as a klone for guys playing a clean amp at bedroom volumes, hence the enhanced low end
Im not a fan of the Tumnus myself, but my buddy loves it in front of his Friedman Runt.
I find it kind of low toned.

I have a klone, Mythical Overdrive, and since I entered the "Marshall" world, I really haven't been using it.
I find I like the Lightspeed or even PoT in front of my Marshalls better.
Have a SD-1 Analogman modded that Id rather use as well...