Anybody using tube preamps with GT1000fx

  • Thread starter Thread starter MarcoR
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I'd really like to hear from tube preamp users that have gone this route with a GT1000fx or GT800. I would likely be going with a GT1000fx with my Egnater M4. I've tried the M4 into other solid state power amps (crown PB2, QSC and EH Magnum44); it was passable but not ideal and not nearly as good as a tube power section. Any thoughts? Would the GT1000fx blow my mind?
Really? No one? :gethim:

I've seen the Steve Stevens and Dave Friedman videos using it as a wet/dry/wet with a head. I'd be satisfied with 98% as good as tubes for the weight savings. ;)
Hi there,
I was hoping that some of the Matrix GT1000FX customers would see this thread and get back to you with their personal experiences. ( Unfortunately they seem to be spending time enjoying playing ).
I know that Steve is happily running wet/dry/wet as you suggest. His V800's are taking a well earned break.
The video with Dave Friedman was shot running from the Cameron line out, into a GM50 ( same voicing at the gt1000fx ) and played into the 4x12. Everybody in the room was impressed with the output from the solid state. I know that because I was in the room shooting that video.
You are welcome to try the GT1000FX safe in the knowledge that if you are not completely happy, you can ship the amp back to us ( at an address we would provide you stateside ) and we shall refund your purchase price ( exluding shipping ).
I you have any queries please do ask them, I shall do my best to answer them for you.

My best regards
Thanks for replying Matt! I'm sure you'll be hearing from me soon.
I just ordered a 2u one. I will run an RM4 into it. Will compare to the returns of the Lynchbox, ENGL, and AFD100.
cnote":17fm9ph2 said:
I just ordered a 2u one. I will run an RM4 into it. Will compare to the returns of the Lynchbox, ENGL, and AFD100.

Will be very interested! Post back!
i've n EGNATE M4 and i've switched to a GT1000FX to replace a FRYETTE 2/50/2
great choice great power amp
i didn't notice any difference absolutely the same sensation but the sound is for me better on clean and crunchy sound and the same for more high gain all is more airy and definite
i use 2 custom audio cab 1X12 V30 Loaded
i didn't regret the GT1000fx and my back love it also i've loose 20 KGS for my set ans a complete rack to hold
if you can go to this infernal machine ;)


mxr2000":gwykmwqg said:
Anyone using the matrix with a Mesa Boogie Quad Pre?

Would work fine..less colored than with a Mesa PA which can sometimes be too much.But same warmth :)
You frequently hear how great these are with the modelers but what about a tube preamp? Well, 6 months later I finally gave up guessing and had to try it for myself. I ordered the GT1000FX to pair with my Egnater M4 and Randall RM4 preamps to see if it could take the place of my trusty RT2/50 tube power amp. I must say, I am very pleasantly surprised a Solid State power amp can perform this well with a tube preamp.

Sure, it was necessary to change the settings on all of my modules but I could quickly dial in a great sound without needing to dial out anything really odd or funky. I found there ended up being much more variance in the eq settings on each module than previous probably do to the color imparted by the EL34s and 6L6 tubes and how they contributed to the overall sound. My past experience with SS amps was that the high end was always harsh and very difficult to dial in a sweet tone; I'd have to cut the treble to the point where it would sound like a blanket over the amp. With the Matrix, I actually needed to boost the highs/mids to replicate the sound of the RT2/50 with EL34s but once that was dialed in, the sound a feel is ridiculously close. As far as low end, I had to slightly cut the bass in most modules but the depth and tightness really shined.

I don't mean to wax poetic but in terms of recording a tube preamp, there are times when different types of power tubes are ideal but I have no doubt that while I'd likely pick EL34s for most of my needs, there now is a new option I'd consider with the Matrix. For gigging purposes, this is a no brainer; I've gone from a 10 space 120 lb rack to a 6 space 65Lb rack, don't have to worry about tubes failing and have nearly the same sound and feel.

Now I am still in the honeymoon phase and I'll need more gigging time in familiar rooms to be sure but so far this is very promising!

~Marco Riva
Might get me one--heard good things about them and yours sounds good--I have a HH V800 which is cool but its a beast to load up
I am thinking about buying an axefx, how close do these amps get to sounding full when run as the beef for the axefx
Think of the amp as the "delivery" system for the Axe. The amp tones themselves will come from the Axe and that includes the "beef". The job of the Matrix is to not "get in the way" or colour the sound unduly.