anyone use a Rangemaster?


Well-known member
so Im super happy with my Boss SD-1 and jcm 800/plexi amps. BUT always looking for more lol. Was thinking about trying some “treble” boosters like the Rangemaster or that one Blackmore used. I do use just humbucker guitars. Any suggestions/experiences down this road? I dont mind building them either, i know the circuits are really simple
I’m a big germanium fan. My favorite pedal I’ve tried made currently for that kinda sound is the Coppersound Broadway. It’s noisy though and doesn’t get along with every amp, but can sound phenomenal if used right. My Fulltone Ranger is also very good. Probably my 2nd favorite rangemaster style pedal, but not as organic or authentically vintage sounding like the Broadway
I have a catalin bread Naga Vyper which is based on Rangemaster. I like it but am not blown away.. I wouldn't say it has grabbed me. I think from what I have heard, the beano boost from analog man is worth the splurge. For your plexis or NMV's, absolutely a treble booster can be a tasty addition. Ultimately though, I go back to boosts that are notched in the mids.
thanks for all the suggestions! Pulled the trigger on the Naga Viper and a kit for a germanium model. Should be fun!!
I use a Stomp Under Foot Cherry Bomb. It has plenty of volume boost, and a knob to dial in the right amount of low end with the treble, so its not so cocked wah sounding. Sounds great in front of anything on the verge of or slightly breaking up.
Have had a Naga Viper for a few years and really like it. It rocks balls on some amps and sounds bright overkill on others. It’s amazing into orange, vintage gain recto. I like that you can adjust how full range the boost is so you can sweep in more body if you want. Also like a lot of TB’s you can get a real nice jangly medium gain when you roll back on the guitar volume that you wouldn’t get without it.
Here's a Mesa MkIV boosted with a Crispy Creme Trebke Booster. It frigging screamed imho. Forgive the clams, its a work in progress

Edit, it won't let me upload an mp3???