Anyone watching the shit show tonight

70 Mach 1

Well-known member
SOTU address 2024

I have better things to do than watch this bullshit.

For patriotic reasons i hope he doesn't fumble his words and fall down or fall asleep up there.

The world will be watching
My wife gets paid to take care of people like him so unless there is money involved..... It also dawned on me today that it's weird that a dude who lives on the ocean in Florida has to use spray tan.
Biden frightens me but not as much as 45. The problem is Harris scares me more than just about anyone. Hobson’s choice. I’ll be watching the Mecum Auction on Speed Channel tonight…
Biden makes me wish the Russians had just gone ahead and nuked us in the 60's

Indifference works. combined with an exit strategy.

When you're on a sinking ship, you have three options: try to save it, abandon it, or sink with it.

Choose wisely
yaw'll pretty harsh.
We all get old.
Nobody gets outta this world alive.
Life is short. Spend your time wisely.
Can be gone in a blink.
DT = 77
JB = 81
Old is old.
I worked in skilled nursing in da 80's ive seen how it ends. It ain't pretty.
Medicare will only pay first 3 months of skilled nursing care. Everything else comes outta yer pocket. If you have no money for your care they will make you sell all your assets including your home to pay for your care before Medcaid will pay anything.
And any nursing home that runs on State Medicaid ain't that great. Good chance you'll catch something and die there.
Id be trying to change that as a voter instead of electing knuckle-draggers.
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Yeah, Trump is old, but Biden is a blathering idiot who doesn’t know where he is or what he’s saying. We all get old, sure, but that doesn’t mean we should be old, feeble AND the most powerful man in the world.
W/a Congress & Judiciary the Pres doesn't really have much power. At this point we'd do better w/o one.
Its more of a novelty than anything.
This has to be one of the most asinine things someone has said on RT. It's on the level of being asiten.
In your opinion of course.
Perhaps you can tell us your level of Presidential experience and how its change America since JFK ?
Or in your case Ronald Reagan.
If you want a shadow puppet for the cameras thats all a Pres is now.
If you want to change & pass Legislation and get the country working again we need an overhaul.
Or ..... stay tuned for the status quo shitshows.
yaw'll pretty harsh.
We all get old.
Nobody gets outta this world alive.
Life is short. Spend your time wisely.
Can be gone in a blink.
DT = 77
JB = 81
Old is old.
I worked in skilled nursing in da 80's ive seen how it ends. It ain't pretty.
Medicare will only pay first 3 months of skilled nursing care. Everything else comes outta yer pocket. If you have no money for your care they will make you sell all your assets including your home to pay for your care before Medcaid will pay anything.
And any nursing home that runs on State Medicaid ain't that great. Good chance you'll catch something and die there.
Id be trying to change that as a voter instead of electing knuckle-draggers.
These people should not be in these positions. They are pure narcissists. A reasonable, intelligent person, even one that remains completely cogent and sharp into 100 years old would know that this is inappropriate to continue to be in these positions of immense power past a certain age. It's not only embarrassing, but completely irresponsible. These people were literally wheeling around a drooling, incoherent Diane Feinstein not too long ago.

This festering, corrupt, retarded bag of shit deserves a lot more criticism.
My wife gets paid to take care of people like him so unless there is money involved..... It also dawned on me today that it's weird that a dude who lives on the ocean in Florida has to use spray tan.
Spray tan ? Really ? Check the orange fuck knuckle’s spray tan and get back to us.
yaw'll pretty harsh.
We all get old.
Nobody gets outta this world alive.
Life is short. Spend your time wisely.
Can be gone in a blink.
DT = 77
JB = 81
Old is old.
I worked in skilled nursing in da 80's ive seen how it ends. It ain't pretty.
Medicare will only pay first 3 months of skilled nursing care. Everything else comes outta yer pocket. If you have no money for your care they will make you sell all your assets including your home to pay for your care before Medcaid will pay anything.
And any nursing home that runs on State Medicaid ain't that great. Good chance you'll catch something and die there.
Id be trying to change that as a voter instead of electing knuckle-draggers.
Well if Bozo Biden was a harmless old man not President, I'd agree with you. He and his handlers put him in the White House, so he's fair game despite his age.