arion chorus sch-1- great pedal


New member
Anyone using the Arion SCH-1 Chorus here? I have it on my board for 2 years now, but didn't use it for awhile since it's not true bypass. My current gig calls for that LA lush chorus so i started using it again, it's just a great pedal to nail that Landau/Lukather lush sound.
there's something about the tone on this that's a little thicker than most chorus I owned. It has a very unique fullness about it. Cranking up the Rate i can get a real cool Leslie imitation. I can see why Landau and Scott henderson are totally into it, the thing has tone.
Works especially well with single coils, really brings out the bite and spongy characteristics.
You guys using it, do you know what the difference between the Out 1 and Out 2?
I have played one of those and it is a killer chorus pedal, I have the Arion SAD-1 Delay and it is killer also.
I have one I bought new in the mid 80s. I paid $35 for it new. They sound good but are plastic,kind of on par with the Ibanez Soundtank in build quality. Never used it live, The knobs and battery cover will break off if you look at it wrong. Someone was rehousing them when they were hot a few years ago. Some famous dudes used them for a while,Clapton maybe? and everyone was paying silly money for them. I like it because it has a tone knob and you can dial out the shrill that a lot of chorus pedals give you. Honestly I got a Delta Labs chrus pedal (again $35) and prefer it and it's metal.
BTW the second output is to run it in stereo.
BrokenFusion":fz75rga2 said:
I have one I bought new in the mid 80s. I paid $35 for it new. They sound good but are plastic,kind of on par with the Ibanez Soundtank in build quality. Never used it live, The knobs and battery cover will break off if you look at it wrong. Someone was rehousing them when they were hot a few years ago. Some famous dudes used them for a while,Clapton maybe? and everyone was paying silly money for them. I like it because it has a tone knob and you can dial out the shrill that a lot of chorus pedals give you. Honestly I got a Delta Labs chrus pedal (again $35) and prefer it and it's metal.
BTW the second output is to run it in stereo.
Thanks for the answer.
They are flimsy built, 2 0f the 3 knobs on mine have broken off, but it sounds so good, the tone knob on it is what I dig about it as well, you can certainly dial in more warmth if it's too sparkly.
I have heard good things about the arion chorus, but never seen one. Not a big chorus user anymore. I over used it when I was a teenager....
love mine and have been using it weekly for 7 years. i've had the biggies--ce-1, ce-2, tc scf, memoryman deluxe, ada flanger, whammy pedal, and tons of rack choruses and the arion has stood it's ground.

have it in my pedalrack so i never touch it. it gets switched in and out via a rivera RM-1 loop switcher