Avenged Sevenfold Vol. 2


New member
Anyone else get a surprise out of this CD? I thought I'd pick this up because I don't have any A7 in my collection. They sounded good on youtube, so why not?

This had all the same tracks as 'Nightmare,' but wasn't marked 'Nightmare.' The only version of Nightmare they had said 'Nightmare (clean).' I figured the Vol. 2 thing was the dirty version.

So I'm listening to it in the car on the way home. The first track is strings, which sounds pretty cool, but I was a bit surprised. I thought it would break into metal before the end of the 3 min track. Then track 2 and track 3. At this point, I realize I have just bought the ALL STRINGS version of 'Nightmare.'

Okay, so that really sucks. Well, to tell you the truth, it sounds pretty good. But that is NOT what I signed on for. :doh:

There should be a warning label on THIS CD. 'Purchaser Advisory: No Avenged Sevenfold on this A7 CD.' :LOL: :LOL: Or I could be a dipwad. I think it did say 'strings' on there somewhere. This just makes me less and less likely to buy anything at the mall. At least online, there would have been a review or description that told me what I was buying. Guess I have to go and get my money back now.
Sounding the Seventh Trumpet was awesome and I was WAY into the band at that point in time.

Waking the Fallen was cheesy but good. I still went to see them although they started wearing makeup and putting statues of gargoyles and crap on stage, using smoke machines, etc which was goofy but the music was good and they were great performers. There really wasn't any metalcore bands around doing things quite like they did on that album.

City of Evil was the most godawful crap ever and I went to see them after it was released, to hear a jumbled mess of noise and noodling guitar licks that made no sense. I refused to listen to the band for years, and then all of sudden they are a household name for some reason.

Meh, I don't get it.