Bernie Torme : Mr. Crowley

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Bernie discusses learning and playing Randy's material.

I know the story and he did a decent job of it given the time he had ....back then anyway. There is a clip from the show he did with Ozzy on YouTube and he's alright I'm spots and lost in others. One thing that remains apparent in his playing is not knowing where the hell he is key wise and just trying to alternate pick everything and anything as fast as he can. The above clip is pretty horrid if I am honest. In 40 years you think he would have learned it better than that ....
Kapo_Polenton":tnl6dqhl said:
I know the story and he did a decent job of it given the time he had ....back then anyway. There is a clip from the show he did with Ozzy on YouTube and he's alright I'm spots and lost in others. One thing that remains apparent in his playing is not knowing where the hell he is key wise and just trying to alternate pick everything and anything as fast as he can. The above clip is pretty horrid if I am honest. In 40 years you think he would have learned it better than that ....
:lol: :LOL: Another Rig Talk classic!
Goat":323ut1ri said:
Kapo_Polenton":323ut1ri said:
I know the story and he did a decent job of it given the time he had ....back then anyway. There is a clip from the show he did with Ozzy on YouTube and he's alright I'm spots and lost in others. One thing that remains apparent in his playing is not knowing where the hell he is key wise and just trying to alternate pick everything and anything as fast as he can. The above clip is pretty horrid if I am honest. In 40 years you think he would have learned it better than that ....
:lol: :LOL: Another Rig Talk classic!

What's wrong with having an opinion? I've listened to the bootlegs, I think he did well given the time he had and way better than Brad Gillis who I think was god awful on the Ozzy stuff (better on the Sabbath stuff) His playing in that video is piss poor though and he is all over the place. May be a legend, but the light was fading at the point of that live clip. So yeah, Rig Talk all day baby'!
Bernie claimed that he learned the songs in three days... In reality, he learned the material prior to becoming Randy's replacement. Record labels retain a network of replacement musicians, who are practiced in specified material, should key personal become incapacitated during a tour. Bernie had been involved with Don Arden's Jet Records since the mid 1970's. When Randy was killed by Andrew Aycock, Bernie was activated.

Bernie Torme was one of the first to be asked to join Ozzy's new band, but was turned down. As far as who is the better player/composer, I couldn't care less. Randy was great player, but it was mainly Bob Daisly who arranged and shaped those compositions into songs. If you want a taste of Randy Rhoads compositions without Bob Daisley, take a listen to the CBS/SONY Quiet Riot recordings... :hys:
Goat":x2dstqha said:
Bernie claimed that he learned the songs in three days... In reality, he learned the material prior to becoming Randy's replacement. Record labels retain a network of replacement musicians, who are practiced in specified material, should key personal become incapacitated during a tour. Bernie had been involved with Don Arden's Jet Records since the mid 1970's. When Randy was killed by Andrew Aycock, Bernie was activated.

Bernie Torme was one of the first to be asked to join Ozzy's new band, but was turned down. As far as who is the better player/composer, I couldn't care less. Randy was great player, but it was mainly Bob Daisly who arranged and shaped those compositions into songs. If you want a taste of Randy Rhoads compositions without Bob Daisley, take a listen to the CBS/SONY Quiet Riot recordings... :hys:

The Quiet Riot stuff is pretty....average you are correct. It is always the sum of all parts. Randy had a great edge to his playing but it really wasn't highlighted in QR. No question Bob Daisly is the secret behind those 4 and more Ozzy albums. His magic worked on Jake too. 100% agree. All Randy's reused riffs from QR finally found a place with some guidance. I wasn't aware of Bernie having had longer than a few days to learn the material.. I am however guessing that they kept him/used him because he was cheap. Sharon has always been a penny pincher when it comes to the musicians that surround her "precious".
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Kapo_Polenton":3ngrb2g5 said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.
Goat":1shlhkj1 said:
Kapo_Polenton":1shlhkj1 said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.

Where did you see these photos? I understand, of course, if you can not or don’t want to say.
Mr. Willy":6i1gckke said:
Goat":6i1gckke said:
Kapo_Polenton":6i1gckke said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.

Where did you see these photos? I understand, of course, if you can not or don’t want to say.
They were posted on Google images for a short time, then removed.
Goat":s477elrb said:
Kapo_Polenton":s477elrb said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.

I know that he died so it didn't really make a difference, but the thought of Randy Rhoads losing one of those gifted hands is especially heartbreaking.
GreatRedDragon":2v4s61x0 said:
Goat":2v4s61x0 said:
Kapo_Polenton":2v4s61x0 said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.

I know that he died so it didn't really make a difference, but the thought of Randy Rhoads losing one of those gifted hands is especially heartbreaking.
Very sad. I didn't find out until the morning of the concert that he had passed. Pat Travers to fill Ozzy's slot. As much as I dig Pat's music, I stayed home.
Goat":stidjbiy said:
Very sad. I didn't find out until the morning of the concert that he had passed. Pat Travers to fill Ozzy's slot. As much as I dig Pat's music, I stayed home.
What show are you talking about? I had tickets to a show that I believe was in Tampa, maybe Orlando, that had Bryan Adams (who was surprisingly good, his guitar player was legit). It was right after he died and Pat Travers filled in for Ozzy. Living in Florida I had seen and liked Pat many times and this was actually a really good performance. Still...overall very sad/disappointing.
SpiderWars":17ozjczt said:
Goat":17ozjczt said:
Very sad. I didn't find out until the morning of the concert that he had passed. Pat Travers to fill Ozzy's slot. As much as I dig Pat's music, I stayed home.
What show are you talking about? I had tickets to a show that I believe was in Tampa, maybe Orlando, that had Bryan Adams (who was surprisingly good, his guitar player was legit). It was right after he died and Pat Travers filled in for Ozzy. Living in Florida I had seen and liked Pat many times and this was actually a really good performance. Still...overall very sad/disappointing.
Rock Super Bowl XIV. UFO played that day, so I should have just went. I was just too depressed at the time. I could have seen Randy in Tampa during the Blizzard tour, but passed in favor of waiting for a T-Bowl show. Same thing happened with Lynyrd Skynyrd. I passed on the Lakeland show, figuring they would make their was to the next Rock Super Bowl... Two days later they were gone.
Goat":3hw3m6wh said:
Kapo_Polenton":3hw3m6wh said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.

I also find it strange that he would agree to go up on a stolen plane but I guess a break from the mundane and a chance to get some choice photos pushed him in favour of taking the ride. One thing that I wonder about though, I thought Aycock had already buzzed the plane once or twice already on his first ride up, why would anyone get in a plane with that guy at that point? I remember reading something about him as a teenager and in the QR years and apparently he was into pranks and getting into shit now and again so maybe for him, a stolen plane was no biggie and would be fun to laugh about after. As he was probably going to ditch the band after that tour anyway, it would be banked as something out of the ordinary he could talk about for years to come. As for a struggle in the cockpit, I don't know. Don Airey seems to think he saw that but would it not be worse to struggle with a pilot? There is no surer way to cause an accident than fight over control while it is trying to do a low flyby.

As for the google pics, are you sure you didn't just see the black and white photo of the burned out garage? It looks as if there could be a body slumped against the corner on the left side and another on the hood/through the back window on the right but when you look at that photo in color, I can't say I see the same thing. Might be a case of shadows projecting or black/white artifacts. You know, like "badgeman" or "dogman" on the grassy knoll ;)
Goat":22avkya0 said:
SpiderWars":22avkya0 said:
Goat":22avkya0 said:
Very sad. I didn't find out until the morning of the concert that he had passed. Pat Travers to fill Ozzy's slot. As much as I dig Pat's music, I stayed home.
What show are you talking about? I had tickets to a show that I believe was in Tampa, maybe Orlando, that had Bryan Adams (who was surprisingly good, his guitar player was legit). It was right after he died and Pat Travers filled in for Ozzy. Living in Florida I had seen and liked Pat many times and this was actually a really good performance. Still...overall very sad/disappointing.
Rock Super Bowl XIV. UFO played that day, so I should have just went. I was just too depressed at the time. I could have seen Randy in Tampa during the Blizzard tour, but passed in favor of waiting for a T-Bowl show. Same thing happened with Lynyrd Skynyrd. I passed on the Lakeland show, figuring they would make their was to the next Rock Super Bowl... Two days later they were gone.
Wow, that's crazy...I had tickets to see Skynyrd in Atlanta. I think it was a couple weeks away when they crashed. Steve Gaines was a monster about to be unleashed.
Kapo_Polenton":3kgv9h7l said:
Goat":3kgv9h7l said:
Kapo_Polenton":3kgv9h7l said:
Wait, you said "killed by" ..aren't we talking accidental here? Or are you saying he raged and took all of them with him?
Andrew Aycock's irresponsible activities were not accidental. Had Randy had his senses about him, he would never have gotten on-board that plane. The illusion of invulnerability is a by-product of privilege and access. It clouded Randy's judgement, obviously. This was a guy who hated flying, so there's really no other explanation. Randy was into photography as well, so it was an opportunity for him to get some choice photos.

Let's not forget, Andrew Aycock stole the plane from a nearby hanger. Randy and Rachel were also not the first to be killed by Andrew Aycock while flying. From what I saw, Sharon's comments about the bodies being in parts is inaccurate. I saw detailed photos of the aftermath, and the bodies were whole. Randy's body landed on the hood of a car in the garage, one hand severed. Aycock's body was slumped against the wall of the garage. I didn't see any evidence of Rachel Youngblood. She may have been dismembered, which could be what Sharon was referring to... I don't know?

There is word that Don Airey witnessed some activity in the cockpit, prior to the crash. Why only two of the four witness testimonies were made public is strange.

I also find it strange that he would agree to go up on a stolen plane but I guess a break from the mundane and a chance to get some choice photos pushed him in favour of taking the ride. One thing that I wonder about though, I thought Aycock had already buzzed the plane once or twice already on his first ride up, why would anyone get in a plane with that guy at that point? I remember reading something about him as a teenager and in the QR years and apparently he was into pranks and getting into shit now and again so maybe for him, a stolen plane was no biggie and would be fun to laugh about after. As he was probably going to ditch the band after that tour anyway, it would be banked as something out of the ordinary he could talk about for years to come. As for a struggle in the cockpit, I don't know. Don Airey seems to think he saw that but would it not be worse to struggle with a pilot? There is no surer way to cause an accident than fight over control while it is trying to do a low flyby.

As for the google pics, are you sure you didn't just see the black and white photo of the burned out garage? It looks as if there could be a body slumped against the corner on the left side and another on the hood/through the back window on the right but when you look at that photo in color, I can't say I see the same thing. Might be a case of shadows projecting or black/white artifacts. You know, like "badgeman" or "dogman" on the grassy knoll ;)
I'll have to go back to a specific interview to be certian... but, if I recall correctly, someone who knew Randy said that he did enjoy pulling pranks, especially on women. While hanging-out in clubs, he would piss in a drink, and then approach random women, and ask; "Does this drink taste weird to you?" I believe the same interview mentions that while staying in hotels, Randy got a kick out of pissing on people from the balcony as they walked by. I believe one story tells of him throwing turds and piss (from an ice bucket) onto people. This may have included Ozzy and Sharon, I'm not sure. Whether any of this true, I do not know? I happen to know a certain guitarist who enjoyed pulling the same pranks from hotel balconies on Daytona Beach, so...

Don Airey's statement to authorities was never made public. Why his statement remains sealed is unknown.

Google was my way of saying that I'd rather not say. I met the person through a topless dancer whom I dated. The images I saw were up-close, and vivid. The pic of Randy was up-close, the pic of Aycock was not as close.
SpiderWars":1nwnj32w said:
Goat":1nwnj32w said:
SpiderWars":1nwnj32w said:
Goat":1nwnj32w said:
Very sad. I didn't find out until the morning of the concert that he had passed. Pat Travers to fill Ozzy's slot. As much as I dig Pat's music, I stayed home.
What show are you talking about? I had tickets to a show that I believe was in Tampa, maybe Orlando, that had Bryan Adams (who was surprisingly good, his guitar player was legit). It was right after he died and Pat Travers filled in for Ozzy. Living in Florida I had seen and liked Pat many times and this was actually a really good performance. Still...overall very sad/disappointing.
Rock Super Bowl XIV. UFO played that day, so I should have just went. I was just too depressed at the time. I could have seen Randy in Tampa during the Blizzard tour, but passed in favor of waiting for a T-Bowl show. Same thing happened with Lynyrd Skynyrd. I passed on the Lakeland show, figuring they would make their was to the next Rock Super Bowl... Two days later they were gone.
Wow, that's crazy...I had tickets to see Skynyrd in Atlanta. I think it was a couple weeks away when they crashed. Steve Gaines was a monster about to be unleashed.
Steve was a great player, and a good singer as well.

My favorite YT channel...

Got it.. as is often the case when someone passes, there is a halo that is placed around them and only the good is remembered and amplified. Not to say pissing on people is a one way ticket to hell, just that in memory, public figures are often held in higher regard than they were when they were alive or if they had lived. Much like JFK in your sig. photo right? I have to say listening to the live bootlegs, he sure could bring it and the image on stage was right up there with what you think of when you picture a rock star. Then again Jake and ZW also had that going on so Ozzy's camp def. knew how to pick them.