Blue Vs Silver Face Diezel VH4 Peter Sir?


Hi All

I just would like to hear from the Genius himself Mr.Diezel, what are the the differences in sound's between the early Blue Face VH4 and the current Silver Face. From my research the Blue Face Plate one has less presence. Is this correct Mr.Diezel Sir?

Ibanez K-7
Peavey 5150
Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier Pre-500
2 x Mesa/Boogie 4x12 Rectifier Cabs with Armour
Monster Cables
you need to post this in the diezel forum matey. 2nd welcome to the forum! 3rd im sure peter won't mind if you just call him peter :thumbsup:

have you already tried either one? Are you going to buy one without trying it first?

I'm just saying, I wasn't ecstatic about the one I played. I mean, maybe the guy had too many fx on it, but it wasn't MY sound.
Hey Linger

Nope i have not had the pleasure to try either one yet...i have to fly interstate to hear them, theres only one state in Australia that sells Diezel, i will be trying out the Herbert and a Silver VH4, but im going for a Tool sound, i've just bought a 1975 Superbass, and currently restoring it.
Philip":6e6a0 said:
Hey Linger

Nope i have not had the pleasure to try either one yet...i have to fly interstate to hear them, theres only one state in Australia that sells Diezel, i will be trying out the Herbert and a Silver VH4, but im going for a Tool sound, i've just bought a 1975 Superbass, and currently restoring it.

bummer about being so far from all the amps :no:

If you know you want the tool sound, then go for it.

I wanted the Megadeth Youthansia/CTE sound, so I bought a CAE and a VHT 2150. It does make sense to match gear to bands you like. :thumbsup: