Can you use a Bogner 101B XTC head w/a 100 watt Marshall cab without blowing something ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Samhain
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Don't the Bogner have a half-power switch. Use it at reduced power.
The tricky thing about this topic is that players tend to use their n=1 experiment to justify their actions. In other words "I cranked my 100w Marshall into my 100w cab and had no problems."

What I've learned is that voice coils can take a beating, but just like anything they wear out over time...especially when abused. So yeah, newish speakers are gonna handle some abuse but if you continue to exceed their rated spec, they will eventually fail. How long will this take? I'd contact Bogner and see if they have some data to share. Every amp is different, but Jim's post is a good example that 4xEL34 doesn't top out at 100 watts!
The guy in that AGI thread pummeled his 65w M75's in his 4x12 for three years. 68 high voltage Plexi spec, running 510v on the plates. Your stock Marshall 100w is around 400 plate volts. He then kicked in the clean boost, fuzz, and overdrive " AS GOD INTENDED!". He knew he was pushing it way past the melting point, he wasn't even mad about blowing one. He just realized he'd exceeded the wattage limit, plus the square wave with the fuzz pedal and chalked it up to "I like the sound, I don't care!"

His amp tech, fusionbear/Carl, says he's been red plating power tubes, and blowing resistors quite a bit lately. So his 100w 68 spec hot rodded like this was putting out closer to 130w clean (vol @ 4), and well over 200 where he set it at 9 on the knob. Then he kicked in the pedals!

I'm surprised he only blew one speaker, I figured it would be at least two.

Don't the Bogner have a half-power switch. Use it at reduced power.
But when I tried it, it took the balls out of the amp especially that percussive thump you get on the blue channel.
The guy in that AGI thread pummeled his 65w M75's in his 4x12 for three years. 68 high voltage Plexi spec, running 510v on the plates. Your stock Marshall 100w is around 400 plate volts. He then kicked in the clean boost, fuzz, and overdrive " AS GOD INTENDED!". He knew he was pushing it way past the melting point, he wasn't even mad about blowing one. He just realized he'd exceeded the wattage limit, plus the square wave with the fuzz pedal and chalked it up to "I like the sound, I don't care!"

His amp tech, fusionbear/Carl, says he's been red plating power tubes, and blowing resistors quite a bit lately. So his 100w 68 spec hot rodded like this was putting out closer to 130w clean (vol @ 4), and well over 200 where he set it at 9 on the knob. Then he kicked in the pedals!

I'm surprised he only blew one speaker, I figured it would be at least two.
That is intense, kudos to him for going for it but but no regard for the amp's OT?

In his situation does a "blown" speaker still produce any load on the amp, or does it depend on the type of damage done to the speaker?
But when I tried it, it took the balls out of the amp especially that percussive thump you get on the blue channel.
Not really a "1/2" power switch. Spec's say it reduces power to 20 watts.
Thats not why im getting this amp.
That is intense, kudos to him for going for it but but no regard for the amp's OT?

In his situation does a "blown" speaker still produce any load on the amp, or does it depend on the type of damage done to the speaker?
His entire amp is hot rodded, from what I understand. A blown speaker (voice coil rub at least) will still have a load / reading. It'll just sound like crap when played. Fizzy, scraping, raspy tone and a hairy clean sound with fizz on the decay of the notes.
The deal was a bust.
Local deals seem to be in the crapper even more than usual.
Im done for a while. Maybe next year.
People also say dont run 16 ohm amp into 8 ohm cab :p
Mis-matching the amp ohm setting to your cab wears out your power tubes faster. Just depends how many tubes you want to burn through faster.
Do any of you play the 101B at full power with Bogner OS 2x12 V30. I play the same setup for years, and lately the cab is starting to sound worse.
Do any of you play the 101B at full power with Bogner OS 2x12 V30. I play the same setup for years, and lately the cab is starting to sound worse.
You may want to start your own thread Nico bro.

Besides, I'm pretty sure the OP, Samhain, is still banned. You can probably find him in the OTC subforum under one of his alts.
Rest assured those speakers are 25w each. It's been discussed, debated and proven ad nauseam over the years
Yep...I talked to a Celestion rep years ago when I bought my EVH 412 and he assured me the EVH are labeled 20w for nostalgic purposes only and are indeed 25w. I've been pounding that cab with 100w Wizards for 6 years and recently a 150w Wizard with non-issue. Now granted I'm not running full tilt, but have put some serious volume through that cab and nothings come spewing out the front yet.
Whats the worse that can happen in this situation? Is it just busted speakers or can you damage your amp if you blow out a speaker?
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