Circled back to Duncan Alnico II set


New member
I've been through like 5 sets of humbuckers on this guitar this year!
It just wasn't working out.
Bareknuckle VH II, Sheptone BK, Fishman Fluence Classic, Rail Hammer Hyper Vintage,
Suhr Thornbuckers.
I finally circled back to try a set of Duncan Alnico IIs and they sound great! :rock:
If anything, they're a bit bright so I might change out my volume pot to a 250k.
I'll try some recording with it soon!
It's all subjective, but for me, the duncan aph is the best pickup made. I have them in all my guitars and even use the aps single coils in my tele and strat.
I put a set (actually the Slash sigs) in an LP a few months ago and I love them. Probably my favorite humbucker so far, I've been thinking about dropping them in my other guitars too.