Diezel Amp Availability

Next door Nabors

New member
This may not be the correct forum for this, and if not I apologize. Honestly I'm not very familiar with forum etiquette, so be gentle with chastising. lol My question is for anybody in the know with Diezel availability in the US. I ordered the VHX about 2 weeks ago and my source at boutique amp distribution says that I should receive my amp no later than next month. I'm wondering if anyone has any other information about where Diezel is in the process of getting more new VHX's to the US. The website only gives confirmation of my order, and getting any specifics has been difficult. I've seen Diezel employees/owners commenting on this page, so I'm hoping to find just a little more information about my order. Again, I apologize if this isn't the correct way of going about this. I understand that there has been a fire at the distributer and all, but when I spend this kind of money, I like a little more information. Any information would be great.
I just wish I had better information. If I can have it by next month I’m ok, but if it’s going to be much longer I’d ask for a refund and order from Reverb. I guess I really expected better communication after spending 5k on an amp. Maybe a disclaimer letting me know I’ll be waiting a while before taking my money. I definitely would not have placed the order with Diezel USA if I knew then what I know now. I would have done what you did.
BAD probably doesn't have the most accurate information themselves. It's just the situation right now with high demand and low supply and Diezel being a very, very small company trying to catch up. Some may say Diezel needs to grow, but growing is hard to do without sacrificing quality.
Right. I’m anxious to get this amp. When I ordered I had no idea they were out of stock. I feel like when I was a kid and was waiting for the weekend to go visit my girlfriend at college. It really can’t come fast enough. I’ve wanted a Diezel for a long time, but I settled for other amps. Right now I have a Mesa Boogie TC-50, which is a great amp, but when I saw the VHX, I just had to have it and pulled the trigger almost immediately. Then received zero information for days except order confirmed and a charge to my account. Anyhow, I’m rambling. I think I might need to hibernate or something until my amp gets here. Lol