Does anyone use an EHX Soul Preacher?


New member
This thing:

How does the attack sound to you? I bought mine used off eBay, and I'm wondering if I got a lemon. The attacks on mine sound really bright and sharp. Then the compression kicks in in either slow, medium, or fast. None of them compress the attack, except sometimes fast. They all let a painfully sharp attack through before the compression kicks in.

I have tried this on two amps and get the same results. Both amps are on the trebley side. I don't know if that is part of the problem. Anybody out there have any experience with this thing? I am not liking it too well, and I like almost all of EHX's effects. The youtube stuff I've watched sounds a lot smoother than my rig, but I don't know if that is just my rig or a lemon pedal.
Ya, I've got one... I find it's perfect when used in the right context - clean arpeggiated sweeps, fun finger plucked style music, cool chord sustains... No problem. A little hissy in the higher up volumes, but that's to be epxected.

No issues - I wouldn't sell mine :D

Not directly related to your pedal but, anything EHX is good by me. Fairly priced and are always unique. :D
Maybe I'll get off my ass and make a clip of this, so people can tell me if it's broken. It makes some terrible thuds and pluncks on the attack on cleans. It sounds pretty good on overdrive though.

Is this pedal sensitive to placement? I put mine after my boost/distortion stompers, inline with the main input. I was mostly planning on using it to smooth and contain my distortion sound when the boosting overdoes it. Which the pedal does fairly well.

I don't get that attack on the clean though. A lot of people say they use this with strats and teles and like all 3 attack settings. I dunno. It sounds pretty bad to me.
srinivassa":3jm2qicm said:
Maybe I'll get off my ass and make a clip of this, so people can tell me if it's broken. It makes some terrible thuds and pluncks on the attack on cleans. It sounds pretty good on overdrive though.

Is this pedal sensitive to placement? I put mine after my boost/distortion stompers, inline with the main input. I was mostly planning on using it to smooth and contain my distortion sound when the boosting overdoes it. Which the pedal does fairly well.

I don't get that attack on the clean though. A lot of people say they use this with strats and teles and like all 3 attack settings. I dunno. It sounds pretty bad to me.

Then you got a lemon.

From Music123:
I'll start by saying that I've got the NANO version. As with most EHX stuff, the instruction card is very brief. It is easy to get a good sound out of the unit... a very good sound. But you have to OPEN IT UP and adjust an INTERNAL TRIM POT for input gain. in the stock setting, mine was clipping the signal from my single coils as the input gain was set too high at the factory. for this... it gets a five. It doesn't tell you about the trim pot on the instruction card.

I have got to try this when I get home. This guy might have just saved me $100. I was starting to think I for sure needed a new compressor.
Okay, no one cares I'm sure, but it did work. The difference in the pot was like 1/20th of a turn. Past that, you get the plunky strings and a ton of gain. After that, it's more of a sssshhusshher. Right on the edge is a good place for lower noise, decent gain, and no hard percussive atttack. Would recommend to other owners to play with it if you get noise, no gain, too much gain, attack problems, etc. that get reported from time to time with this pedal.
srinivassa":3rxa8rzg said:
Okay, no one cares I'm sure, but it did work. The difference in the pot was like 1/20th of a turn. Past that, you get the plunky strings and a ton of gain. After that, it's more of a sssshhusshher. Right on the edge is a good place for lower noise, decent gain, and no hard percussive atttack. Would recommend to other owners to play with it if you get noise, no gain, too much gain, attack problems, etc. that get reported from time to time with this pedal.

So everything is cool??
