Dumb Question About the Gain Knob


New member
My gain knob has a weird break in output around the middle. It gives you smooth gain up to a point. Then, it cuts out (fairly gracefully, no pops or hisses) about midway. Then, if you continue turning it, you get the mega overdrive.

Is this a "feature?" I'm guessing it is and the knob is just divided into normal and ultra gain. It's so weird though that I'm only noticing this now after 2 months with the amp. It shouldn't really be a problem since I don't adjust my knob in the middle of a song. And it is quiet, so I could turn it during a set. Just weird that I hadn't noticed it.

Can anyone confirm that behavior? If not, I'll RTFM. If I can FIND TFM. :LOL: :LOL:
What amp is this on? I've never noticed that on my Renegade...

If you can't find your manual, check the Egnater site as they have them there as PDF files.