Einstein tubes glowing strange


New member

I own Einstein a few months now. A few days after I recived it (brand new), I experienced strange problem a few pops in the amp, I looked inside and 1 tube was glowing very strong trough the whole tube, I put the amp in stand by mode, and turn it on again after a few minutes, everything was fine since than.

Today it happened again but on different tube. I warm the amp at least 2 min or more, this happened the second time short after I put the amp in running mode.

What could cause the problem? I'm scared to damage my amp? I hope that someoone could help with some advice.

I hope that this doesent mean replace all the tubes :scared: with new ones.

Thanks for your help.
Where are you located and what tubes are in the amp? How does the amp sound when it is being played? Any fuse fault lights on the back lit up? How long does it take for this tube to light up after the amp is on? Is it immediate or after you play a while? Please provide me with some details.

The amp came with EL34, I dont know the brand since I didnt open the amp. The amp soudns fantastic :) when played. The problem only happens when the strange poping starts, than one of the tubes is glowing trough whole tube, dark orange and verry intense. Otherwise all the tubes are qlowing normal only when poping happens one of the tubes goes crazy.

Fuses are ok, no problems with that, all tubes look fine, they all start to glow when I turn on the amp.

As I said this happened the second time today in 3 months time, and I'm from Europe.

Thanks for your help.
Same kind of shit used to happen with my Uberscall if I kept it running for too long (5-7 hours). It kept running though.
I'd replace the tubes if I were you.
I had the same thing happen with my old SLO. You should change all the tubes or else eventually, the bad tube will take out the socket as well. That's what happened to me. The tube ended up frying a resistor in the socket. It's not real expensive to fix, just a pain in the ass.
My best advice is go to the dealer/distributor you purchased the amp from and see what they say. Wisdom tells me that you need to replace those tubes. That is the best way to ensure that all is well and nothing happens in the future. I would go the 6550 route if I were you. Wonderful tube, built very well and can handle higher plate voltages. :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the feedback, I searched through the forum and found the problem here:
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=38607&hilit=red+plating, it seems that this is the same case with my amp.

Is it still recommended to replace the tubes? Since this happened only 2 times now each time on different tube?

I will try to search for reliable tube with some warranty also if they fail in short time, I don’t want to change them every few months.

Peter didn’t comment yet on the selection of 6550 as preferred tube for Einstein, so I will wait to hear some comments regarding this after Frankfurt.

Where do you guys order your tubes? Reliable, tested, properly matched and good quality?

Thanks again to all.